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Plants rely on their root microbiome as the first line of defense against soil-borne fungal pathogens. The abundance and activities of beneficial root microbial taxa at the time prior to and during fu... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2023

The study of the microbiome related to fermentation in ruminants can help to optimize the conversion of animal protein. However, most species present in the rumen are unculturable , which makes the st... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2022

Abstract: Background - Plants rely on their root microbiome as the first line of defense against soil-borne fungal pathogens. The abundance and activities of beneficial root microbial taxa at the time... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2023

Abstract: The rhizosphere microbiome plays a key role in plant protection against soil-borne pathogens. Plant breeding for resistance against soil-borne pathogens can alter the rhizosphere microbiome.... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2023

Over the past century, plant breeding programs have substantially improved plant growth and health, but have not yet considered the potential effects on the plant microbiome. Here, we conducted a meta... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2018

Abstract: The taxonomically diverse rhizosphere microbiome contributes to plant nutrition, growth and health, including protection against soil-borne pathogens. We previously showed that breeding for... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2019

The rhizosphere is the narrow zone of soil around the living plant roots that is influenced by the activity of the plants. Many beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere provide plants with mineral... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2015


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