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Autoria: PIOTTO, V. C.; HERLING, V. R.; SAKAMOTO, L.; LEMES, A.; NAREZZI, F.; INOJOSA, E. F.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BERNDT, A.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S. Brazil is one of the largest beef exporter in the world, and this is due to the introduction of Nellore cattle which has been adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the country. With more than 20... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, L. L.; SAKAMOTO, L. S.; VILAS BOAS, D. F.; GUILARDI, J. H.; LEMES, A. P.; MAHLMEISTER, K.; MEO FILHO, P.; BERNDT, A. In recent decades, the concentration of methane and other greenhouse gases that cause the global warming is increasing, associated with human population growth and related activities, involving the ag... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. A. R. da; GIL, J. C.; TORRES, J. A.; SILVA, G. T. S. T.; GABRIEL FILHO, J. B.; VICTÓRIA, H. F. V.; KRAMBROCK, K.; TEIXEIRA, I. F.; RIBEIRO C. ABSTRACT: Methane conversion to valuable chemicals is a highly challenging and desirable reaction. Photocatalysis is a clean pathway to drive this chemical reaction, avoiding the high temperature and... ... |
Autoria: FURTADO, A. J.; LOBO, A. A. G.; SILVA, G. V. DA; PASQUINI NETO, R.; BERNDT, A.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M. Brazil has been under great pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially enteric methane (CH4) emissions emitted by cattle. |
Autoria: SILVA, M. A. R. da; GIL, J. C.; TARAKINA, N. V.; SILVA, G. T. S. T.; FILHO, J. B. G.; KRAMBROCK, K.; ANTONIETTI, M.; RIBEIRO, C.; TEIXEIRA, I. F. Here we report a photocatalytic system based on crystalline carbon nitrides (PHI) and highly dispersed transition metals (Fe, Co and Cu)for controlled methane photooxidation to methanol under mild con... ... |
Autoria: BERNDT, A.; LEMES, A. P.; ROMERO, L. A.; ALVES, T. C.; PEDROSO, A. M.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A. The aim of this study was the evaluation of methane emissions from pure Holstein and half Jersey, half Holstein high-producing lactating cows grazing 2 different forages. |
Comparison of methane emissions by cattle pastures in the Pantanal, between two seasons of the year. Autoria: OLIVEIRA, L. O. F. de; FERNANDES, A. H. B. M.; FERNANDES, F. A.; SANTOS, S. A.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; CRISPIM, S. M. A.; GARCIA, J. B.; SANTOS, R. dos This study was to evaluate the methane emissions in the Pantanal grasslands in the two main climatic periods of the year. |
Autoria: LIMA, M. A. de; VIEIRA, R. F.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; LUIZ, A. J. B.; VILLELA, O. V. Abstract: Local greenhouse gas flow measurement studies have been encouraged at a global level as a subsidy for national and state inventories. This study aimed to evaluate the seasonal methane emissi... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, R.; CABRAL, L.; LIMA, L.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; MOMBACH, M.; PAULA, N. de; CAMARGO, K.; ROCHA, J. K. Ruminal fermentation is a process resulting from the set of microbial activities (metabolism) that transform dietary constituents into products considered useful to animals, such as volatile fatty aci... ... |
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