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Autoria: NISHISAKA, C. S.; QUEVEDO, H. D.; MENDES, R. The rhizosphere microbiome plays a significant role in the host plant?s health, such as defense against soil-borne diseases. However, the understanding of how the rhizosphere soil microbiome diversity... ... |
Autoria: CHAPELLE-PINEAU, E.; MENDES, R.; BAKKER, P. A. H. M.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M. The rhizosphere is the infection court where soil-borne pathogens establish a parasitic relationship with the plant. To infect root tissue, pathogens have to compete with members of the rhizosphere mi... ... |
Autoria: ROSSMANN, M.; PÉREZ-JARAMILLO, J. E.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; KAVAMURA, V. N.; DUMACK, K.; FIORE-DONNO, A. M.; MENDES, L. W.; BONKOWSKI, M.; MAUCHLINE, T.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; MENDES, R. Domestication of plants may have impacted the interactions between plants and their rhizosphere microbiome. Considering that plants rely on the rhizosphere microbiome for functions related with plant... ... |
Autoria: MENDES, L. W.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; TSAI, S. M. Over the past century, plant breeding programs have substantially improved plant growth and health, but have not yet considered the potential effects on the plant microbiome. Here, we conducted a meta... ... |
Autoria: PEREZ-JARAMILLO, J. E.; HOLLANDER, M. de; RAMÍREZ, C. A.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; CARRIÓN, V. J. Abstract: Background: Modern crop varieties are typically cultivated in agriculturally well-managed soils far from the centers oforigin of their wild relatives. How this habitat expansion impacted pla... ... |
Autoria: NISHISAKA, C. S.; VENTURA, J. P.; BAIS, H.; MENDES, R. Bacillus subtilis holds significant agricultural and ecological importance as one of the most extensively studied plant growth promoters. To better understand Bacillus genetic traits associated with p... ... |
Diversity matters: rhizosphere microbiome influence on wheat protection against soil-borne pathogens Autoria: NISHISAKA, C. S.; VENTURA, J. P.; QUEVEDO, H. D.; ANDREOTE, F. D.; MENDES, R. The rhizosphere microbiome is crucial for plant growth and development, including defense against soil-borne pathogens. Despitenumerous biological products entering the global market, our understandin... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MENDES, L. W.; SEPO, E.; HOLLANDER, M. de; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; CARRIÓN, V. J.; BETTIOL, W.; MAUCHLINE, T. H.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; MENDES, R. Abstract: Background -Disease suppressiveness of soils to fungal root pathogens is typically induced in the field by repeated infections of the host plant and concomitant changes in the taxonomic comp... ... |
Autoria: PÉREZ-JARAMILLO, J. E.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M. Abstract: The rhizosphere microbiome is pivotal for plant health and growth, providing defence against pests and diseases, facilitating nutrient acquisition and helping plants to withstand abiotic str... ... |
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