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Autoria: COSTA, L. M.; FERREIRA, S. L. C.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; NOBREGA, J. A. This work proposes the use of factorial design for optimization of microwave-assisted digestion of lubricating oil. The accuracy of digestion procedures is affected by critical experimental parameters... ... |
Autoria: GROMBONI, C. F.; CARAPELLI, R.; FEREIRA FILHO, E. R.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A. In this work, an exploratory study about the mineral characteristic of some fruit juice (passion fruit, pineapple, orange, and grape) applying chemometric tools was made. The juices analyzed were sepa... ... |
Autoria: GUIOTOKU, M.; MAIA, C. M. B. de F.; RAMBO, C. R.; HOTZA, D.
Autoria: GUIOTOKU, M.; HANSEL, F. A.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; MAIA, C. M. B. de F. The objective of this work was to characterize the morphology and molecular composition of the hydrochar produced by microwave‑assisted hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose. The produced hydr... ... |
Autoria: HORNUNG, P. S.; SILVEIRA, A. C. da; LAZZAROTTO, S. R. da S.; SIQUEIRA, G. L. de A. de; SCHNITZLER, E.; RIBANI, R. H.; LAZZAROTTO, M. Starches are applied in several fields of industry. Amylose and amylopectin (natural polymers) constitute the starch in vegetable cells. In some processes native starches cannot support high stress co... ... |
Autoria: NOVAES, H. B.; VAITSMAN, D. S.; DUTRA, P. B.; PEREZ, D. V. Lettuce is worldwide known as the most important vegetable. In this context, most farmers are searching new techniques for best quality products including hydropony. However, nitrate is of great conce... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. de; NERY, L. H.; PARIS, E. C.; KLEIN-GUNNEWIEK, F.; GIRALDI, T. R. In this study, nanostructured ZnO films were synthesized by microwave hydrothermal method for application in photocatalysis. The synthesis was made starting a ethylene glycol and zinc acetate solution... ... |
Autoria: GONZALEZ, M. H.; SOUZA, G. B. D.; OLIVEIRA, R. V. DE; FORATO, L. A.; NÓBREGA, J. A.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A. Microwave-assisted sample preparation using diluted nitric acid solutions is an alternative procedure for digesting organic samples. The efficiency of this procedure depends on the chemical properties... ... |
Autoria: MATALLO, M. B.; ALMEIDA, S. D. B.; CERDEIRA, A. L.; FRANCO, D. A. S.; BLANCO, F. M. G.; MENEZES, P. T. C.; LUCHINI, L. C.; MOURA, M. A.; DUKE, S. O. A better method for determination of shikimate in plant tissues is needed to monitor exposure of plants to the herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] and to screen the plant kingdom for hig... ... |
Autoria: GONZALEZ, M. H.; SILVA, C. S. da; AMARAL, C. D. B.; BIANCHI, S. R.; OLIVEIRA, L. H. B. de; COELHO, J. S.; OLIVEIRA, A.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A. Inorganic elements present in pharmaceutical products were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), employing microwave acid digestion as a sample preparation method. The m... ... |
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