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Autoria: CAMARGO JÚNIOR, R. N. C.; ARAÚJO, C. V. de; MENEZES, F. L. de; ARAÚJO, S. I.; PAVAN, N. L.; ROCHA-SILVA, M.; SILVA, W. C. da; MARQUES, J. R. F.; SILVA, A. G. M. e; CHALKIDIS, H. de M.; LOURENÇO JÚNIOR, J. de B. Our aim was to evaluate the use and application of different nonlinear mixed models, as well as to compare them with approach in nonlinear fixed models, for describing the growth curve of meat-type qu... ... |
Autoria: GONÇALVES, G. M.; VIANA, A. P.; AMARAL JUNIOR, A. T. do; RESENDE, M. D. V. de Sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) is one of the most important crops cultivated in the tropics and subtropics and plays a signifi cant economic and environmental role in Brazil. Twenty- four new clones were e... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, I. P. de; SANTOS, P. R. dos; NASCIMENTO, M. R.; COSTA, K. D. da S.; LIMA, T. V.; OLIVEIRA, T. R. A. de; COSTA, A. F. da; PEREIRA, H. S.; SILVA, J. W. da Using genotypes adapted to different regions is one of the main ways to increase Brazilian bean yield. The aim of the present study was to assess the genotypic performance of Carioca beans through mix... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A. G. de; DAHER, R. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. R.; SOUZA FILHO, B. F. de; MELO, L. C.; GRAVINA, G. de A.; AMBRÓSIO, M.; SANTANA, J. G. S.; VIDAL, A. K. F.; SANTOS, R. M.; LEITE, C. L.; FARIAS, J. E. C.; FREITAS, R. de S.; ROCHA, R. S. The study of adaptability, stability, and productivity is essential for selecting and recommending superior genotypes. This fact is particularly the case for the introduction of common bean cultivars... ... |
Autoria: PINHEIRO, D. S.; MAIA, M. C. C.; MOUSINHO, F. E. P.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. de; ROSADO, R. D. S.; YOKOMIZO, G. K. I. The Mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) is a fruit tree rich in such vitamins, iron, calcium and protein, and plays an important social, cultural and economic role for farmers in the Cerrado and Caatin... ... |
Autoria: CRUZ, D. P. da; GRAVINA, G. de A.; VIVAS, M.; ENTRINGER, G. C.; SOUZA, Y. P. de; ROCHA, R. S.; JAEGGI, M. E. P. da C.; ALBUQUERQUE, D. P.; AMARAL JUNIOR, A. T. do; GRAVINA, L. M.; ROCHA, M. de M.; SILVA, R. de K. G. da The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operation... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, V. B.; DAHER, R. F.; ARAÚJO, M. S. B.; SOUZA, Y. P.; CASSARO, S.; MENEZES, B. R. S.; GRAVINA, L. M.; NOVO, A. A. C.; TARDIN, F. D.; AMARAL JÚNIOR, A. T. Genetically improved cultivars of elephant grass need to be adapted to different ecosystems with a faster growth speed and lower seasonality of biomass production over the year. This study aimed to us... ... |
Autoria: CAMARGO JÚNIOR, R. N. C.; ARAÚJO, C. V. de; SILVA, W. C. da; ARAÚJO, S. I. de; LÔBO, R. B.; NAKABASHI, L. R. M.; CASTRO, L. M. de; MENEZES, F. L.; SILVA, A. G. M. e; SILVA, L. K. X.; SILVA, J. A. R. da; BARBOSA, A. V. C.; MARQUES, J. R. F.; LOURENÇO JÚNIOR, J. de Body weight records were used to characterize the growth curve of Nelore cattle. Body weight was regressed as a function of age, for both sexes, by using nonlinear models through the functions of Brod... ... |
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, F. R. F.; NASCIMENTO, M.; CECON, P. R.; CRUZ, C. D.; SILVA, F. F. e; NASCIMENTO, A. C. C.; AZEVEDO, C. F.; MARQUES, D. B. D.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; CARNEIRO, A. P. S.; PAIXAO, D. M. Knowledge of lactation curves in dairy cattle is essential for understanding the animal production in milk production systems. Genomic prediction of lactation curves represents the genetic pattern of... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, E. V.; DAHER, R. F.; SANTOS, A. dos; VIVAS, M.; MACHADO, J. C.; GRAVINA, G. D. A.; SOUZA, Y. P. de; VIDAL, A. K.; ROCHA, A. D. S.; FREITAS, R. S. Abstract Brazil has great potential to produce bioenergy since it is located in a tropical region that receives high incidence of solar energy and presents favorable climatic conditions for such purpo... ... |
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