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Autoria: CAMARGO JÚNIOR, R. N. C.; ARAÚJO, C. V. de; MENEZES, F. L. de; ARAÚJO, S. I.; PAVAN, N. L.; ROCHA-SILVA, M.; SILVA, W. C. da; MARQUES, J. R. F.; SILVA, A. G. M. e; CHALKIDIS, H. de M.; LOURENÇO JÚNIOR, J. de B. Our aim was to evaluate the use and application of different nonlinear mixed models, as well as to compare them with approach in nonlinear fixed models, for describing the growth curve of meat-type qu... ... |
Autoria: PARAÍBA, C. C. M.; DINIZ, C. A. R.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; RODRIGUES, L. N. We propose an alternative approach for estimating soil-water characteristic curves based on truncated beta nonlinear regression models. Thus, assuming that the response variable follows a truncated be... ... |
Autoria: AZEVEDO, C. F.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; SILVA, F. F. e; VIANA, J. M. S.; VALENTE, M. S. F.; RESENDE JUNIOR, M. F. R.; MUÑOZ, P. Background: A complete approach for genome-wide selection (GWS) involves reliable statistical genetics models and methods. Reports on this topic are common for additive genetic models but not for addi... ... |
Autoria: KOTHARI, K.; BATTISTI, R.; BOOTE, K. J.; ARCHONTOULIS, S. V.; CONFALONE, A.; CONSTANTIN, J.; CUADRA, S. V.; DEBAEKE, P.; FAYE, B.; GRANT, B.; HOOGENBOOM, G.; JING, Q.; VAN DER LAAN, M.; SILVA, F. A. M. da; MARIN, F. R.; NEHBANDANI, A.; NENDEL, C.; PURCELL, L. C.; QIAN, B.; RUANE, A. C.; SCHOVING, C.; SILVA, E. H. F. M.; SMITH, W.; SOLTANI, A.; SRIVASTAVA, A.; VIEIRA JÚNIOR, N. A.; SLONE, S.; SALMERÓN, M. Abstract. An accurate estimation of crop yield under climate change scenarios is essential to quantify our ability to feed a growing population and develop agronomic adaptations to meet future food de... ... |
Autoria: MARÇAL, M. F. M.; SOUZA, Z. M. de; TAVARES, R. L. M.; FARHATE, C. V. V.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; GALINDO, F. S. Abstract: This study aims to assess the carbon stock in a pasture area and fragment of forest in natural regeneration, given the importance of agroforestry systems in mitigating gas emissions which co... ... |
Autoria: VASQUES, G. de M.; GRUNWALD, S.; MYERS, D. B. Understanding the causes of spatial variation of soil carbon (C) has important implications for regional and global C dynamics studies. Soil C predictive models can identify sources of C variation, bu... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, L. S. de; BELLON, S.; CORRALES, F. M. This text analyses the development of organic farming in Brazil. It shows the great variability of social models of organic production recognised by Brazilian Law: organic, agroecological, ecological... ... |
Autoria: GONÇALVES, G. M.; VIANA, A. P.; AMARAL JUNIOR, A. T. do; RESENDE, M. D. V. de Sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) is one of the most important crops cultivated in the tropics and subtropics and plays a signifi cant economic and environmental role in Brazil. Twenty- four new clones were e... ... |
Autoria: STEHLICK, A.; BARIONI, A. E.; BOAS, P. R. V.; BARIONI, L. G. In this work we propose such a representation for the total carbon trajectory whose generality embraces implicitly the mechanism of models as Century, RothC and CQESTR. |
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