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Autoria: BOGO, A.; COMPARIN, C. C.; SANHIEZA, R. M. V.; RITSCHEL, P. S.; CASA, R. T.; SILVA, F. N.; EVERHART, S. E. The causal agents of apple bull?s-eye rot in southern Brazil have recently been described as Neofabraea actinidiae and N. brasiliensis. Isolates of both species were evaluated for response of mycelial... ... |
Autoria: GÓMEZ, J. F. M.; CÔNSOLO, N. R. B.; ANTONELO, D. S.; BELINE, M.; GAGAOUA, M.; HIGUERA-PADILLA, A.; COLNAGO, L. A.; GERRARD, D. E.; SILVA, S. L. The present study explored changes in the meat metabolome of animals subjected to Different finishing systems and growth rates. Thirty-six Angus × Nellore crossbred steers were used in a completely ra... ... |
Autoria: MONTEIRO, P. E. R.; WINAGRASKI, E.; KASCHUK, G.; GAIAD, S.; MARQUES, R.; AUER, C. G. Eucalyptus benthamii is a tree species commonly planted in subtropical areas, including the Southern Brazil, due to its tolerance to low temperatures and frosts. The success of E. benthamii plantation... ... |
Autoria: GARNERO, A. D. V.; MARCONDES, C. R.; ALBUQUERQUE, N. I. de; ARAÚJO, R. O.; PENDU, Y.; GUIMARÃES, D. A. This work aims to determine the most suitable nonlinear model to describe the growth of female collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu). The monthly records of the weight of 10 captive female collared pecca... ... |
Autoria: BOLKE, D. R.; HAYGERT-VELHO, I. M. P.; TIMM, L. C.; ALESSIO, D. R. M.; MITTELMANN, A.; FERREIRA, O. G. L.; LIMA, L. H. C.; VELHO, J. P. The objective of this study was to assess the growth of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cv. BRS Ponteio with different doses of nitrogen applied in the pasture, thereby adjusting their growth to... ... |
Autoria: DURIGON, M. R.; CECHIN, J.; MARIANI, F.; DA SILVA, G. B. P.; VARGAS, L.; CHAVARRIA, G. Plant growth analysis is useful for determining adequate management practices and exploring the maximum yield potential of cultivars or hybrids. Canola hybrids with resistance to herbicides have been... ... |
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