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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, D. E. de; MEDEIROS, S. R. de; TEDESCHI, L. O.; AROEIRA, L. J. M.; SILVA, S. C. da The n-alkanes have been used to estimate forage dry matter intake, digestibility and the diet composition in grazing animals. The objective this study was to compare chromium oxide and n-alkanes techn... ... |
Autoria: GENRO, T. C. M.; GENRO NETO, J. S.; CÔRREA, A. C. J.; LACA, E. A. This trial was conducted to define which alkane (C31 and C33) must be paired with the external marker (C32) to estimate dry matter intake (DMI) of steers grazing three tropical grasses: Brachiaria bri... ... |
Autoria: CANESIN, R. C.; BERCHIELLI, T. T.; MESSANA, J. D.; BALDI, F.; PIRES, A. V.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; FIORENTINI, G.; REIS, R. A. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of ruminal fermentation and enteric methane production in beef cattle subjected to different supplementation frequencies while... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, J. B. da; DICK, D. P.; LIMA, M. O.; LARA, L. Z.; PERALBA, M. do C.; COSTA, F. de S. The objective of this study was to determine the origin of organic matter incorporated in Amazon forest soils subjected to vegetation fire by analyzing the aliphatic biomarkers (n-alkanes) present in... ... |
Autoria: GENRO, T. C. M.; FARIA, B. M.; SILVEIRA, M. C. T. da; ROSSETO, J.; SANTOS, A. S.; BERNDT, A.; BAYER, C.; SAVIAN, J.; CARVALHO, P. C. F. Estimating dry matter intake from grazing animals remains a challenge. Among the indicators currently used, n-alkanes have been shown to be a good alternative, especially in heterogeneous environments... ... |
Herbage production and grazing losses in Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça under four grazing managements. Autoria: CARNEVALLI, R. A.; SILVA, S. C. da; BUENO, A. A. O.; UEBELE, M. C.; BUENO, F. O.; HODGSON, J.; SILVA, G. N.; MORAIS, J. P. G. The n-alkanes have been used to estimate forage dry matter intake, digestibility and the diet composition in grazing animals. The objective this study was to compare chromium oxide and nalkanes techni... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, M. O.; DICK, D. P.; COSTA, F. de S.; COSTA, J. B. da; LARA, L. Z.; PERALBA, M. do C. This study aimed to investigate the impact of vegetation burning on the content and chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM) along a profile of a sandy Acrisol in Southwestern Amazon, Brazil,... ... |
Autoria: PONTES, L. da S.; GENRO, T. C. M. Dry matter intake (DMI) is a key driver of animal production in pasture-based systems. Sward structure is related to DMI. When forage plants are cultivated under trees, they may change their morpholog... ... |
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