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Autoria: THOLON, P.; PATERNO, F.; QUEIROZ, S. The use of growth functíons allows the stuclyof animal growth in adujthood, enabtíng the cOrTeJation between weíghts at different agesand attainmentof adutts with smalter size (A), a higher rate Df we... ... |
Autoria: NEVES, H. H.; CARVALHEIRO, R.; O'BRIEN, A. M.; UTSUNOMIYA, Y. T.; CARMO, A. S. do; SCHENKEL, F. S.; SÖLKNER, J.; MCEWAN, J. C.; VAN TASSELL, C. P.; COLE, J. B.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; QUEIROZ, S. A.; SONSTEGARD, T. S.; GARCIA, J. F. Background- Nellore cattle play an important role in beef production in tropical systems and there is great interest in determining if genomic selection can contribute to accelerate genetic improvemen... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, V. H.; GIACHETTO, P. F.; TIZIOTO, P. L.; GONÇALVES, T. M.; REGITANO, L. C. A.; COUTINHO, L. L. This work aims to perform a couple of in silico network analysis from CNVs standpoint, shedding light to possible metabolic connections to tenderness. It was used 671 Nellore males to infer CNVs, thro... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, W. B.; WECHSLER, F. S.; NOGUEIRA, E. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of a calf?s genetic group on the productive and reproductive efficiency of its Nellore dam. Fixed-time artificial insemination was appl... ... |
Autoria: ÍTAVO, L. C. V.; DIAS, A. M.; ÍTAVO, C. C. B. F.; FRANCO, G. L.; MORAIS, M. da G.; SOUZA, A. R. D. L.; NOGUEIRA, E.; MATEUS, R. G.; ARAUJO, H. S.; MORAES, G. J. de; COSTA, M. C. M. da; GUIMARÃES-INÁCIO, A.; NIWA, M. V. G. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two protein levels in mineral-protein-energy supplements on the productivity and economic performance of Nellore steers. Ninety animals weigh... ... |
Autoria: VOZZI, P. A.; MARCONDES, C. R.; BEZERRA, L. A. F.; LÔBO, R. B. Parameters based on the probability of gene origin were used to describe genetic variability in three reproductive groups from the Breeding Program for Nellore Cattle (PMGRN). The three reproductive p... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, M. E.; ELER, J. P.; BONIN, M. N.; REZENDE, F. M.; BIASE, F. H.; MEIRELLES, F. V.; REGITANO, L. C. de A.; COUTINHO, L. L.; BALIEIRO, J. C. C.; FERRAZ, J. B. S. The objectives of this study were to characterize the allelic and genotypic frequencies of polymorphisms in the μ-calpain and calpastatin genes, and to assess their association with meat tenderne... ... |
Autoria: PAULA, E. J. H. de; MARTINS, E. N.; OLIVEIRA, C. A. L. de; MAGNABOSCO, C. de U.; SAINZ, R. D.; GERON, L. J. V.; SOUZA NETO, E. L. de; PORTO, E. de P.; MIGUEL, G. Z. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar os parâmetros genéticos e os componentes de (co)variância para as características de carcaça: peso (PESO), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subc... ... |
Autoria: DEFANT, H.; MEIRA, A. N.; COUTINHO, L. L.; REGITANO, L. C. de A.; POLETI, M. D.; MOREIRA, G. C. M.; PADUAN, M.; MARIANI, P.; ZERLOTINI NETO, A.; MOURÃO, G. B.; CESAR, A. S. M. ABSTRACT. Genetic variations in genes involved in lipid storage, which also may interfere with important phenotypic traits such as intramuscular fat deposition in cattle, can represent useful markers... ... |
Autoria: UTSUNOMIYA, Y. T.; CARMO, A. S.; NEVES, H. H. R.; CARVALHEIRO, R.; MATOS, M. C.; ZAVAREZ, L. B.; ITO, P. K. R. K.; O'BRIEN, A. M. P.; SOLKNER, J.; PORTO-NETO, L. R.; SCHENKEL, F. S.; McEWAN, J.; COLE, J. B.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; VAN TASSELL, C. P.; SONSTEGARD, T. S.; GARCIA, J. F. The reproductive performance of bulls has a high impact on the beef cattle industry. Scrotal circumference (SC) is the most recorded reproductive trait in beef herds, and is used as a major selection... ... |
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