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Autoria: BENTO, J. A. C.; MÉNDEZ, I.; GULARTE, M. A.; BASSINELLO, P. Z. This study evaluated the perception of Brazilian consumers regarding the nutritional value, preparation/consumption preferences, and acceptance of genetically modified (GM) beans. An opinion survey wa... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA FILHO, M. A. M.; ALVES, A. A.; VALE, G. E. S. do; MOREIRA, A. L.; ROGERIO, M. C. P. Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition and in situ degradability of hay stubble from a maize crop fertilized with 40; 120 or 200 kg N ha-1, ammoniated with u... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, M. O. dos S.; LUIZ, D. de B.; MARTINS, G. A. de S.; SANTOS, V. R. V. dos Tambaqui is traditionally consumed at a commercial size of 1.0 to 3.0 kg However, it is also consumed at between 0.350 to 0.450 kg, this size being referred to as tambaqui curumim (C). The objective o... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, L. O. B.; PIRES, D. A. de A.; MOURA, M. M. A.; RODRIGUES, J. A. S.; TOLENTINO, D. C.; VIANA, M. C. M. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of 24 sorghum genotypes in four Brazilian regions and the chemical characteristics of genotypes grown in Sete Lagoas, state of Minas Gerais. Geno... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, R. F.; PIRES, D. A. de A.; MOURA, M. M. A.; SALES, E. C. J. de; RODRIGUES, J. A. S.; RIGUEIRA, J. P. S. ABSTRACT: The objective was to assess agronomic characteristics of sorghum genotypes and nutritional values of produced silage. A total of 15 sorghum genotypes were used. Planting was carried out thro... ... |
Autoria: Costa, M. K. L.; Shigaki, F.; Freitas, J. R. B.; Rodrigues, R. C.; Carneiro, H. Abstract This study evaluated the nutritional value of sugarcane varieties in relation to nitrogen fertilization. The varieties studied were RB 863129, RB 867515, and RB 92579, and nitrogen fertilizer... ... |
Autoria: CAVALI, J.; COUTO, V. R. M.; PORTO, M. O.; SALES, M. F. L.; VALENTIM, J. F.; VALENTE, E. E.; OLIVEIRA, I. M.; FERREIRA, E.; CARVALHO, G. G. P. de; CODOGNOTO, L. C. Arachis pintoi, commonly known as forage peanut, is a leguminous plant with good forage yield and nutritional quality adapted to the Brazilian environmental conditions and used in grass/legume pasture... ... |
Autoria: NEVES, A. P.; COSTA, J. A. A. da; VILLAFUERTE, S. G. E.; FEIJO, G. L. D.; REIS, F. A.; CATTO, J. B.
Autoria: ASCHERI, J. L. R.; BAZÁN COLQUE, R. J.; SOUSA, L. B. T. de; ASCHERI, D. P. R.; SILVA, E. M. M. da
Autoria: SOUZA, J. M. S. de; BEHLING NETO, A.; ROSA, M. A. B. da; TARDIN, F. D.; GALAT, R. L.; CHAVES, C. S.; PEREIRA, D. H. In recent years, agricultural production systems have intensified, making it necessary to improve the food supplied to animals, where sorghum silage is one of the most commonly used roughages. The sor... ... |
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