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Autoria: GOMES JUNIOR, R. A.; LOPES, R.; CUNHA, R. N. V. da; PINA, A. J. de A.; QUARESMA, C. E.; SANTOS, R. R. S. dos; RESENDE, M. D. V. de To identify superior genotypes, 42 progenies of interspecific hybrids between American oil palm and oil palm were evaluated in an area with incidence of bud rot. The following variables were assessed:... ... |
Autoria: BARCELOS, E.; RIOS, S. de A.; CUNHA, R. N. V.; LOPES, R.; MOTOIKE, S. Y.; BABIYCHUK, E.; SKIRYCZ, S. Oil Palm Biogeography, Biology and Cultivation. African Oil Palm. American Oil Palm. Interspecies Oil Palm Hybrids. Natural Variation for Oil Palm Improvement. Genomics for Oil Palm Improvement. Incre... ... |
Autoria: CHAVES, F. C. M.; SANTOS, P. S. G. dos; OKA, J. M.; FERREIRA, F. B.; BRAGA, N. de P. Piper aduncum L., better known as "pimenta-de-macaco", is one of the most important natural resources of dillapiole, a chemical compound with great potential to be used in the insecticide industry. Th... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA, A.; CARDOSO, B. M.; DAMETO, L. S.; DELFIM, J.; MORAES, L. A. C.; LAZARINI, E. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the foliar application of molybdenum (Mo) and nickel (Ni) on the grain yield, yield components, and oil and protein contents in the... ... |
Autoria: CAVALCANTI, C. P. L.; MACEDO, T. J. S.; PERIPOLLI, V.; GOIS, G. C.; MENEZES, V. G.; MONTE, A. P. O.; SILVA, D. J. M.; NASCIMENTO, P. V. N.; SILVA, E. O.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; RODRIGUES, R. T. S.; WISCHRAL, A.; MATOS, M. H. T.; QUEIROZ, M. A. A. The production of biofuels has caused an increase in the prices of agricultural commodities. Thus, the ecological footprint, social inclusion and profitability of production systems have encouraged th... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, A. S.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; WERNER, F.; ZUCARELI, C.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; DEBIASI, H. There are few studies on the interaction between soybean plant density and nitrogen fertilization. This research aimed to assess the effect of mineral nitrogen associated to different plant densities... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, K. B.; BRUZI, A. T.; ZUFFO, A. M.; ZAMBIAZZI, E. V.; SOARES, I. O.; REZENDE, P. M. de; FRONZA, V.; VILELA, G. D. L.; BOTELHO, F. B. S.; TEIXEIRA, C. M.; COELHO, M. A. de O. ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to verify the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars with regards to yield and oil content. Data of soybean yield and oil content were used from experiment... ... |
Autoria: LEITE, R. M. V. B. de C.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. N. de ABSTRACT: Abstract ‒ The objective of this work was to evaluate the suitability of the multivariate method of principal component analysis (PCA) using the GGE biplot software for grouping sunflo... ... |
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