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Autoria: DICK, D. P.; AQUINO, I. O. de; COSTA, F. de S.; NECKEL, D. The agricultural production in the State of Acre (Brazilian Amazon Southwest) is still very incipient and, so far, none investigation about the effect of soil management systems on organic matter (OM)... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; CALONEGO, J. C.; ROSOLEM, C. A. Increased soil organic matter (SOM) improves the cation exchange capacity of tropical weathered soils, and liming is required to achieve high yields in these soils. Despite a decrease in SOM in the sh... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. P. de; FIGUEIREDO, C. C. de; SOUSA, D. M. G. de ABSTRACT: The study of labile carbon fractions (LCF) provides an understanding of the behavior of soil organic matter (SOM) under different soil management systems and cover crops. The aim of this stu... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. H. X. da; OKADA, E. S. M.; SOARES, J. P. G.; OLIVEIRA, E. R. de; GANDRA, J. R.; MARQUES, O. F. C.; SILVA, J. T.; NEVES, N. F.; GABRIEL, A. M. de A. Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the biomass productivity and chemical-bromatological quality of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, intercropped with diferent leguminous under organic manage... ... |
Autoria: COCCO, A.; SILVA, V. C. P. da; BENELLI, G.; BOTTON, M.; LUCCHI, A. The vine mealybug (VMB), Planococcus ficus, is a major grapevine pest worldwide, whose chemical control is often unsatisfactory due to its cryptic behavior, insecticide resistance and high fecundity r... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. R. da; RIBEIRO, S. A.; CONEGLIAN, R. C. C.; ROSA, R. C. C.; BARBOSA, M. I. M. J.; MORAIS, L. A. S. de
Autoria: SOUZA JUNIOR J. B. de; GUERRA, J. G. M.; GOULART, J. M.; SILVA, L. O. da; ESPINDOLA, J. A. A.; ARAUJO, E. da S. his work aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of fermented composts formulated with brewery waste (RC) with castor bean bran (FM) or Gliricidia sepium leaf bran (FG) in the fertilization of butt... ... |
Autoria: GUARDIOLA, M. D. E.; VALE JÚNIOR, J. F. do; SILVA, E. E. da; ROSSI, C. Q.; PEREIRA, M. G.
Autoria: THIAGO. N. O. de S.; SEGNINI, A.; XAVIER, A. A. P.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; PEREIRA, D. M. B.
Autoria: PARTELLI, F. L.; VALICHESKI, R. R.; VIEIRA, H. D.; GONTIJO, I.; FERREIRA, E. P. de B. Coffea sp. is cultivated in large areas, using both conventional and organic management. However, information about the sustainability of these two management systems is still deficient. The objective... ... |
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