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Autoria: MOREIRA, A. The removal of primry forest causes a significant reduction of the microbial biomass of C and soil fertility. With the introduction of stands of rubber tress can be a continuos recovery of the amount... ... |
Autoria: VALLADARES, G. S.; PEREIRA, M. G.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; BENITES, V. de M.; EBELING, A. G.; MOUTA, R. de O. Knowledge of the distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions is important in managing soils toward a sustainable agricultural system ina tropical environment, However, data on Histosols in lim... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; CALONEGO, J. C.; ROSOLEM, C. A. Increased soil organic matter (SOM) improves the cation exchange capacity of tropical weathered soils, and liming is required to achieve high yields in these soils. Despite a decrease in SOM in the sh... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, I. E. B. da; DEON, M. D. I.; SILVA, D. J.; XAVIER, F. A. da S.; SANTOS, A. P. G.; SIGNOR, D. Coconut palm cultivation is associated with the generation of a large amount of residues, mainly from coconut shells, and their utilization in agriculture can represent an opportunity in the context o... ... |
Autoria: VIANA, J. H. M.; ALVARENGA, R. C.; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, M. R. de; COSTA, A. M. da; MOURA, M. S. de Soil organic matter (SOM) is sensitive to changes in land use and is a key indicator of soil quality. This work evaluates the evolution of the organic matter of an oxisol under a crop-livestock integr... ... |
Autoria: THIAGO. N. O. de S.; SEGNINI, A.; XAVIER, A. A. P.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; PEREIRA, D. M. B.
Autoria: ENSINAS, S. C.; SERRA, A. P.; MARCHETTI, M. E.; SILVA, E. F. da; PRADO, E. A. F. do; LOURENTE, E. R. P.; ALTOMAR, P. H.; POTRICH, D. C.; MARTINEZ, M. A.; CONRAD, V. do A.; JESUS, M. V.; EL KADRI, T. C. The purpose of this research was to identify the soil organic matter (SOM) fractions changes in a crop rotation system under no-till system (NTS). This research was carried out from October 2010 to Fe... ... |
Autoria: LEAL, O. A.; DICK, D. P.; COSTA, F. de S.; KNICKER, H.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, J. A. de; SANTOS, J. C. The aim of this study was to investigate impacts of Amazon Forest (AF) fire and conversion to pasture on carbon accumulation in particle size fractions and organic matter (OM) composition of an Acriso... ... |
Autoria: MENEZES, C. E. G.; GUARESCHI, R. F.; PEREIRA, M. G.; ANJOS, L. H. C.; CORREIA, M. E. F.; BALIEIRO, F. de C.; PICCOLO, M. de C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a densidade do solo e o estoque de carbono (EstC) do solo, as frações químicas e granulométricas da matéria orgânica e o sinal isotópico do DELTA13C do solo em fr... ... |
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