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Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; CALONEGO, J. C.; ROSOLEM, C. A. Increased soil organic matter (SOM) improves the cation exchange capacity of tropical weathered soils, and liming is required to achieve high yields in these soils. Despite a decrease in SOM in the sh... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA JUNIOR, P. R. da; DONAGEMMA, G. K.; ANDRADE, F. V.; PASSOS, R. R.; BALIEIRO, F. de C.; MENDONÇA, E. de S.; RUIZ, H. A. In Brazil, a large part of the Atlantic Forest was deforested in pastures, which were developed on the basis of natural fertility and organic matter content of the new deforested soil. However, as tim... ... |
Autoria: DICK, D. P.; AQUINO, I. O. de; COSTA, F. de S.; NECKEL, D. The agricultural production in the State of Acre (Brazilian Amazon Southwest) is still very incipient and, so far, none investigation about the effect of soil management systems on organic matter (OM)... ... |
Autoria: VIANA, J. H. M.; ALVARENGA, R. C.; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, M. R. de; COSTA, A. M. da; MOURA, M. S. de Soil organic matter (SOM) is sensitive to changes in land use and is a key indicator of soil quality. This work evaluates the evolution of the organic matter of an oxisol under a crop-livestock integr... ... |
Autoria: MANGRICH, A. S.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; NICOLINI, K. P.; BONAGAMBA, T. J.; SOUZA, A. A. de; AZEVEDO, E. R. de; WYPYCH, F. This work seeks to determine the best methods of production of partly carbonized waste of biodiesel industry - castor (Ricinus communis) meal - aimed at obtaining material comparable to organic matter... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. P. de; FIGUEIREDO, C. C. de; SOUSA, D. M. G. de ABSTRACT: The study of labile carbon fractions (LCF) provides an understanding of the behavior of soil organic matter (SOM) under different soil management systems and cover crops. The aim of this stu... ... |
Autoria: ENSINAS, S. C.; SERRA, A. P.; MARCHETTI, M. E.; SILVA, E. F. da; PRADO, E. A. F. do; LOURENTE, E. R. P.; ALTOMAR, P. H.; POTRICH, D. C.; MARTINEZ, M. A.; CONRAD, V. do A.; JESUS, M. V.; EL KADRI, T. C. The purpose of this research was to identify the soil organic matter (SOM) fractions changes in a crop rotation system under no-till system (NTS). This research was carried out from October 2010 to Fe... ... |
Autoria: MARCHI, E. C. S.; MARCHI, G.; SILVA, C. A.; ALVARENGA, M. A. R. Alface é considerada a principal hortaliça folhosa no Brasil.Grandes quantidades de fertilizantes minerais e orgânicos são aplicados aos solos durante o seu cultivo. Existe uma necessidade de se ter m... ... |
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