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Autoria: CHIARAVALLOTI, R. M.; TOMAS, W. M.; AKRE, T.; MORATO, R. G.; CAMILO, A. R.; GIORDANO, A. J.; LEIMGRUBER, P. Cattle ranching in the 140,000 km 2 Brazilian Pantanal is considered one of the most important cases of sustainable use of natural resources in the global south. The region has had a successful histor... ... |
Autoria: VAZ, K. M.; SOUZA, J. C. de; FERRAZ, A. L. J.; SILVEIRA, M. V. da; ARRUDA, R. M. da S. de; SOUZA, C. F. de; FERRAZ FILHO, P. B.; MACHADO, C. H. C.; ALENCAR, M. P.; ABREU, U. G. P. de ABSTRACT:The objective was to estimate the growth curves and genetic parameters using random regression methodology for Nellore cattle raised in Pantanal, MS, Brazil (6974 calves; n = 53,233 weights),... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, U. G. P. de; GOMES, E. G.; BALDUINO, S. H. R. The Pantanal is a Brazilian biome with a peculiar beef cattle production system. In november 2018, the Government of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, approved legisla- tion that made the tax incentive for... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. A.; TAKAHASHI, F.; NOGUEIRA, M. A.; SALGADO, E. The objective of this study was to evaluate the renewable support area of a ranch of the Pantanal in the Poconé sub-region, MT. |
Autoria: SALIS, S. M. de; FERNANDES, A. H. B. M.; FERNANDES, F. A.; MATTOS, P. P. de; BERGIER, I.; CRISPIM, S. M. A.; LEHN, C. R. The findings are part of the EMBRAPA PECUS Network - Greenhouse gases dynamics in livestock production systems from Brazil - and partially funded by Conservation International, CI- Brazil. |
Autoria: ABREU, U. G. P. de; SANTOS, M. C. dos; ZEN, S. de ABSTRACT: Beef cattle production is one of the main agricultural activities in Brazil accounting for approximately 75% of agricultural properties in the country and significantly impacting gross domes... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, E. G.; SANTOS, S. A.; PAULA, E. S.; NOGUEIRA, M. A.; OLIVEIRA, M. D. de; SALIS, S. M.; SORIANO, B. M. A.; TOMAS, W. M. ABSTRACT: Beef cattle ranching is the main economic activity in the Brazilian Pantanal, undertaken in an extensive manner, mostly in natural environments and dynamic in space and time. The ongoing mon... ... |
Autoria: ZIMMERMANN, N. P.; PERES, I. A. H. F. S.; BRAZ, P. H.; JULIANO, R. S.; MATHIAS, L. A.; PELLEGRIN, A. O. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of anti-Brucella antibodies in feral pigs and sympatric cattle in the Pantanal sub-regions of Paiaguás and Nhecolândia. The study was conducted in... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. A.; SOUZA, G. S.; TOMICH, T. R.; MORAIS, M. da G.; FRANCO, G.; ABREU, U. G. P. de The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of protein-energy supplementation during the dry period on the performance of different categories of beef cattle in different management systems of n... ... |
Autoria: MARTINS, C. F.; MADRUGA, C. R.; KOLLER, W. W.; ARAUJO, F. R.; SOARES, C. O.; KESSLER, R. H.; MELO, E. S. P.; RIOS, L. R.; ALMEIDA, R. C. F.; LIMA JUNIOR, M. S. C.; BARROS, A. T. M. de; MARQUES, L. C. Trypanosoma vivax outbreaks in beef cattle in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, causes relevant economical impact due to weight loss, abortion and mortality. Cattle moved from t... ... |
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