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Autoria: ABREU, U.; GREGO, C.; FASIABEN, M.; GOMES, E.; ALMEIDA, M.; OLIVEIRA, O. In Brazil, beef cattle are raised in predominantly extensive systems. The feeding base is represented by native and/or cultivated pastures. The latter may be in a well conserved state or may present s... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, U. G. P. de; GREGO, C. R.; FASIABEN, M. do C. R.; GOMES, E. G.; ALMEIDA, M.; OLIVEIRA, O. In Brazil, beef cattle are raised in predominantly extensive systems. The feeding base is represented by native and/or cultivated pastures. The latter may be in a well conserved state or may present s... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, U.; GREGO, C.; FASIABEN, M.; GOMES, E.; ALMEIDA, M.; OLIVEIRA, O. Abstract: In Brazil, beef cattle are raised in predominantly extensive systems. The feeding base is represented by native and/or cultivated pastures. The latter may be in a well conserved state or may... ... |
Autoria: MORAIS, L. F. de; CAVALCANTE, A. C. R.; AQUINO, D. do N.; CANDIDO, M. J. D. Abstract: The aim of this review is to present the concepts and current research on the use of remote sensing in studies of pastoral ecosystems. The management of pasture plays an important role in th... ... |
Autoria: PITTA, R. M.; MATIERO, S. C.; CORASSA, J. de N.; RAMPELOTTI-FERREIRA, F. T. The influence of Urochloa brizantha (variety Marandu) grazing systems on Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant) and the entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) was studied to understand the benefits... ... |
Autoria: FEITOSA, I. de L.; OLIVEIRA, M. S. de; PASSOS, A. M. A. dos; CIPRIANI, H. N. Crop-livestock-forest systems are a sustainable production alternative based on the integration of several components and configurations that increase the complexity of management and soil- plant rela... ... |
Autoria: GURGEL, A. L. C.; DIFANTE, G. dos S.; MONTAGNER, D. B.; ARAUJO, A. R. de; DIAS, A. M.; SANTANA, J. C. S.; RODRIGUES, J. G.; PEREIRA, M. de G. It is estimated that approximately 47% of the world?s ruminant meat and milk is produced in tropical and subtropical regions, with pasture comprising the main food base of these animals. Nitrogen fert... ... |
Autoria: AZEVEDO, R.; LOPES, J. L.; SOUZA, M. M. de; QUIRINO, B. F.; JUNGMANN, L.; MARINS, L. F. Background: The production of glucose from cellulose requires cellulases, which are obtained from decomposing microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. Among the cellulases, β-glucosidases conve... ... |
Autoria: FRANCHINI, J. C.; DEBIASI, H.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; TONON, B. C.; FARIAS, J. R. B.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. N. de; TORRES, E. In the last three decades, the no-tillage system (NT) has provided environmental and economic advantages for farming in southern Brazil, especially when associated with crop rotation. The objective of... ... |
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