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Autoria: MESA, E. C.; CERESINI, P. C.; MOLINA, L. M. R.; PEREIRA, D. A. S.; SCHURT, D. A.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, J. R.; POLONI, N. M.; MCDONALD, B. A. The fungus Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group (AG)-1 IA emerged in the early 1990s as an important pathogen causing foliar blight and collar rot on pastures of the genus Urochloa (signalgrass) in So... ... |
Autoria: MAIA, N. C.; MELO, M. P.; GUIMARÃES, S. S. C.; MATOS, K. S.; MOREIRA, S. I.; LANA, U. G. de P.; CARDOSO, P. G. Endophytic fungi are capable of infecting plants without inducing the development of any observable symptoms. Certain fungal species can also coexist as latent pathogens in their specific hosts. Sever... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. B. da; DAVIS, R. F.; PATERSON, A. H.; SMITH, S. M.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; CHEE, P. W. Pathogens are imminent threats to crop production. Among the management tools available to protect crops from diseases, the use of host-plant resistance had been hindered by a lack of tools and resour... ... |
Autoria: PAPINE, J. M.; VIEIRA, M. S.; JARDINE, J. G.; NESHICH, G.; FALCÃO, P. R. K.; YAMAGISHI, M. E. B.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; MAZONI, I.; VIEIRA, F. D.; SANTOS, E. H. dos Short Abstract: We have concentrated our effort in understanding some crucial features of the protein plasmepsin from the human malarial pathogen plasmodium vivax. The analysis for identification and... ... |
Autoria: COUTO, M. V. S. do; SOUSA, N. da C.; PAIXAO, P. E. G.; MEDEIROS, E. dos S.; ABE, H. A.; MENESES, J. O.; CUNHA, F. S.; NOGUEIRA FILHO, r. M.; SOUSA, R. C. de; MARIA, A. N.; CARNEIRO, P. C. F.; CORDEIRO, C. A. M.; FUJIMOTO, R. Y. This study evaluated in vitro the antimicrobial activity of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and lauric acid (LA) against three fish pathogens (Aeromonas hydrophila, Saprolegnia parasitica and Ichthyophthiriu... ... |
Autoria: CARDOSO, R. M.; PEREIRA, T. S.; FACURE, M. H. M.; SANTOS, D. M.; MERCANTE, L. A.; MATTOSO, L. H. C.; CORREA, D. S. The identification and quantification of plant pathogens in the early stages of infection play an important role to ensure food security and decrease crop loss. Over the past years, advances in nanoma... ... |
Autoria: SANTANA, M. F.; ZAMBOLIM, E. M.; CAIXETA, E. T.; ZAMBOLIM, L. The biotrophic fungus Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Broome is the most destructive coffee pathogen in Brazil. Better understanding of the population genetics of H. vastatrix would provide important insigh... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, F. N.; CUNHA, A. F.; ROSA, D. L. S. O.; BRITO, M. A. V. P. e; GUIMARAES, A. S.; MENDONCA, L. C.; SOUZA, G. N. de; LAGE, A. P.; BLAGITZ, M. G.; LIBERA, A. M. M. P. D.; HEINEMANN, M. B.; CERQUEIRA, M. M. O. P. Abstract The most acceptable criteria for diagnosing bovine intramammary infections include results of bacteriological culture and measures of inflammation. Therefore, information on the diagnostic ch... ... |
Autoria: MENDES, L. W.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; TSAI, S. M. Over the past century, plant breeding programs have substantially improved plant growth and health, but have not yet considered the potential effects on the plant microbiome. Here, we conducted a meta... ... |
Autoria: SIMÕES, C. T.; CARVALHO, V. N.; HALFELD-VIEIRA, B. de A. Abstract: Plants can recognize molecules derived from pathogens and trigger systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In phytopathogenic bacteria, elicitors are constituent components of cellular structures... ... |
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