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Autoria: SANTOS, T. T.; OLIVEIRA, A. A. de Abstract-Functional-structural plant modeling and plant phenotyping require the measurement of geometric features in specimens. This data acquisition is called plant digitizing. Actually, these measur... ... |
Autoria: DAUZAT, J.; GRIFFON, S.; ROUPSARD, O.; VAAST, P.; RODRIGUES, G. C. Highlights: Several data sets are being gathered to build a functional-structural model for Coffea arabica. The one pitfall in this integration process is the difficulty of calibrating a large number... ... |
Autoria: SALIS, S. M. de; LEHN, C. R.; MATTOS, P. P. de; BERGIER, I.; CRISPIM, S. M. A. The objective of this study was to determine the maximum depth, structure, diameter and biomass of the roots of common woody species in two savanna physiognomies (savanna woodland and open woody savan... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE JUNIOR, A. S. de; LOPES, A. da S.; BASTOS, E. A.; CARDOSO, M. J.; SOUSA, R. C. M. de A biomassa é um parâmetro agronômico estratégico utilizado para indicar o status de crescimento da cultura, por causa dos efeitos das práticas de manejo agrícola. A metodologia convencional para se ob... ... |
Autoria: GIUSTINA, C. D.; ROMANO, M. R.; SILVA, S. R. F.; MONTEIRO, R. A. C.; CARVALHO, C. A. B. de Compatibility between fruit trees and animals is fundamental to the success of silvopastoral systems. The aim was evaluating the compatibility between fruit trees and dairy calves in silvopastoral sys... ... |
Autoria: MORAIS JÚNIOR, O. P.; DUARTE, J. B.; BRESEGHELLO, F.; COELHO, A. S. G.; BORBA, T. C. O.; AGUIAR, J. T.; NEVES, P. C. F.; MORAIS, O. P. In genomic recurrent selection programs of self-pollinated crops, additive genetic effects (breeding values) are effectively relevant for selection of superior progenies as new parents. However, consi... ... |
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