Author(s): BOTTON, M. From 1900–2000, the global human population grew by more than 400%, from 1.5 to 6.1 billion (Roser, 2015). The demands that the current population places upon global food supplies presents what may be... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): MENEZES, C. As meliponiculture continues to advance, the emergence of diseases, parasites, and pests poses a growing concern. Among these threats, phorids, tiny flies that lay their eggs in pollen pots, pose a pa... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2024 |
Author(s): FERNANDES, J. M. C. One of the biggest accomplishments in human history has been the domestication of plants, providing a more continuous food supply and promoting the conformation of sedentary agricultural groups (Pérez... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2019 |
Author(s): SILVA, P. H. S. da Stored grain insects are controlled with fumigant insecticides which can select resistant insect populations and cause environmental and applicator contamination. Thus, resistant cultivars and chemica... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2020 |
Author(s): BUENO, A. de F. The adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) in soybean is a great example of how this technology is essential to guarantee crop sustainability and productivity. In Brazil, up to 1970, soybean was... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2015 |
Author(s): PRADO, S. de S. Insects in the suborder Heteroptera, the so-called true bugs, include over 40,000 species worldwide. This insect group includes many important agricultural pests and disease vectors, which often have... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2012 |
Author(s): CRUZ, I. Brazilian agriculture has shown significant results in recent years, largely due to the use of new technologies, including superior genetics and good agricultural practices. Despite greater knowledge... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2022 |
Author(s): VALICENTE, F. H. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-based bioinsecticides and transgenic plants expressing proteins with insecticidal activity (Cry and Vip) have been successfully used in several integrated pest management p... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2021 |
Author(s): SHARMA, K.; BOTTON, M.; BORGES, R.; MACHOTA JR, R.; SAROLI, J.; RICO, J.; SILVA, R. O. da; BERNARDI, C.; URRUTIA, W.; MAFRA, L. E. J.; MAFRA-NETO, A. Introduction: Semiochemicals (chemicals impacting insect behavior) have been employed in species-specific, ecologically friendly insect pest control strategies through a wide variety of mechanisms, ma... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |