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Autoria: GULLINO, M. L.; ALBALES, R.; AL-JBOORY, I.; ANGELOTTI, F.; CHAKRABORTY, S.; GARRETT, K. A.; HURLEY, B. P.; JUROSZEK, P.; MAKKOUK, K.; STEPHENSON, T. Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge to the world?s biosphere and to the global community. It also represents a unique challenge for plant health. Human activities and increased market... ... |
Autoria: GULLINO, M. L.; ALBAJES, R.; AL JBOORY, I.; ANGELOTTI, F.; CHAKRABORTY, S.; GARRETT, K. A.; HURLEY, B. P.; JUROSZEK, P.; MAKKOUK, K.; PAN, X.; STEPHENSON, T. Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge to the world?s biosphere and to the global community. It also represents a unique challenge for plant health. Human activities and increased market... ... |
Autoria: MARSARO JUNIOR, A. L.; PANIZZI, A. R.; SAGIORATO, A. C.; LUCINI, T. A survey of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was conducted on the invasive tree, Pittosporum undulatum Ventenat (Pittosporaceae) in southern Brazil (Passo Fundo - RS, latitude 28°15'4... ... |
Autoria: PASSOS, J. F.; DEUS, E. da G. de; ADAIME, R.; JESUS-BARROS, C. R. de; MULLER, A. van S.; SILVA, J. G. The carambola fruit fly, Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock is native to Southeast Asia, infests about 150 plant species and is considered a quarantine pest insect in the Caribbean region. B. caramb... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, C. S. F.; SILVEIRA, L. C. P.; PAULA, D. P.; ANDOW, D. A.; MENDES, S. M. The intergenerational transfer of plant defense compounds by aposematic insects is well documented, and since 2006, has been shown for Cry toxins. Cry toxins are proteins naturally produced by the soi... ... |
Autoria: DORTA, S. O.; BALBINOTTE, J.; LOPES, J. R. S.; PONTES, R. G. M. S. de; MACHADO, M. A.; ASTUA, J. de F.
Autoria: CUNHA, T. da; OLIVEIRA, D. de S.; PONTES, R. G. M. S. de; MIRANDA, M.; MACHADO, M. A.; ASTUA, J. de F.
Autoria: CASTILHO, A. P.; PASINATO, J.; SANTOS, J. E. V. dos; COSTA, A. e S. da; NAVA, D. E.; JESUS, C. R. de; ADAIME, R. Bactrocera carambolae is a quarantine pest found in Brazil, restricted to the states of Amapá, Pará andRoraima. This fruit fly can potentially cause extensive socioeconomic and environmental damage in... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, L. F. A.; MARTINS, C. C.; MAMPRIM, A. P.; BOTTON, M. The red mite Oligonychus yothersi is one of the main pests of yerba mate in Brazil The damage this mite causes leads to leaf drop and decreased production. There are no registered acaricides for use i... ... |
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