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Autoria: PINTO, G. D. A; KOBLITZ, M. G. B.; CASTRO, I. M. de; MIGUEL, M. A. L.
Autoria: MINGOTI, R.; SPADOTTO, C. A.; BRASCO, M. A.; VALLE, L. B.; BERALDO, G. N.; FARIAS, A. R.; LOVISI FILHO, E. Standard scenarios increase the consistency of the regulatory evaluation process by minimizing the subjective influence when performing the pesticide environmental concentration - PEC calculation, als... ... |
Autoria: PICOLI, J. F.; BARIZON, R. R. M.; BIRKVED, M.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F. Abstract: Brazil is the fourth largest food producer in the world. The agricultural sector contributes significantly to the Bralizian economy, representing 23% of GDP in 2016. Government and private i... ... |
Autoria: MINGOTI, R.; SPADOTTO, C. A.; BERALDO, G. N.; VALLE, L. B.; BRASCO, M. A.; FARIAS, A. R.; LOVISI FILHO, E. Standard scenarios increase the consistency of the regulatory evaluation process by minimizing the subjective influence when performing the pesticide environmental concentration - PEC calculation, als... ... |
Autoria: PARAIBA, L. C.; CONTRERAS, W. A.; PAZIANOTTO, R. A. A.; LUIZ, A. J. B. The objective of this work is to present a model that simulates pesticide uptake by potatoes using a system with two differential equations, where one equation describes pesticide uptake by potatoes a... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, L. de A.; GEBLER, L.; NIEMEYER, J. C.; ITAKO, A. T. Land-use intensification with a high demand for pesticides is a consequence of human population in-crease. Feasible alternatives for correct concentrated residues discharge are necessary to avoid soil... ... |
Autoria: ASSALIN, M. R.; SANTOS, L. D. L. dos; SOUZA, D. R. C. de; ROSA, M. A.; MOLTOCARO, R. C. R.; CASTANHA, R. F.; DONAIRE, P. P. R.; DURAN, N. Abstract: The transmission of Huanglongbing (HLB) disease on citrus plants is through dissemination of the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter ssp, by Diaphorina citri psyllid, its insect vector. Chemica... ... |
Autoria: BRONDI, S. H. G.; MACEDO, A. N.; VICENTE, G. H. L.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A. A method for the determination of pesticide residues in water and sediment was developed using the QuEChERS method followed by gas chromatography ? mass spectrometry. The method was validated in terms... ... |
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