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Autoria: GHINI, R.; HAMADA, E.; ANGELOTTI, F.; COSTA, L. B.; BETTIOL, W. This review discusses the present trends in studies on the impacts of climate change on plant diseases. Firstly, the approaches used for studying the potential effects of altered temperature, water av... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, L. R. M. de; AQUINO, F. de G.; ECHEVARRIA, G.; OLIVEIRA, J. S.; PEREIRA, C. D.; MALAQUIAS, J. V.; SOUZA, K. S.; MONTARGÈS-PELLETIER, E.; FALEIRO, F. G.; REIS JUNIOR, F. B. dos; MIRANDA, Z. de J. G.; SANO, E. E.; AMARAL, L. I. V. do Abstract Purposes To analyze the main edaphic factors that differentiate ultramafic from typical Cerrado environments and act as agents of the development of biochemical and morphological mechanisms o... ... |
Autoria: BARRETO, P.; KOLTUN, A.; NONATO, J.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; MAIA, I. de G.; ARRUDA, P. Abstract. The interaction of mitochondria with cellular components evolved differently in plants and mammals; in plants, the organelle contains proteins such as ALTERNATIVE OXIDASES (AOXs), which, in... ... |
Autoria: RAMIREZ-VILLEGAS, J.; MOLERO MILAN, A.; ALEXANDROV, N.; ASSENG, S.; CHALLINOR, A. J.; CROSSA, J.; VAN EEUWIJK, F.; GHANEM, M. E.; GRENIER, C.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; WANG, J.; JULIANA, P.; KEHEL, Z.; KHOLOVA, J; KOO, J.; PEQUENO, D.; QUIROZ, R.; REBOLLEDO, M. C.; SUKUMARAN, S.; VADEZ, V.; WHITE, J. W.; REYNOLDS, M. Crop improvement efforts aiming at increasing crop production (quantity, quality) and adapting to climate change have been subject of active research over the past years. But, the question remains 'to... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, K. F. de; CARVALHO, C. G. P.; AMABILE, R. F.; ANSELMO, J. L.; GODINHO, V. de P. C.; RAMOS, N. P.; ALMEIDA, I. L. de; FAGIOLI, M.; SOUZA, V. A. C.; ZORZO, F. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de híbridos de girassol, quanto a rendimento de grãos e de óleo, cultivados nas condições de segunda safra brasileira, em 201... ... |
Autoria: NEVES-BORGES, A. C.; GUIMARÃES-DIAS, F.; CRUZ, F.; MESQUITA, R. O.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; ROMANO, E.; LOUREIRO, M. E.; GROSSI-DE-SÁ, M. de F.; ALVES-FERREIRA, M. The study of tolerance mechanisms for drought stress in soybean is fundamental to the understanding and development of tolerant varieties. Using in silico analysis, four marker genes involved in the c... ... |
Autoria: RANGEL, P. H. N.; TORGA, P. P.; MORAIS, O. P. de; FRAGOSO, D. de B.; COLOMBARI FILHO, J. M.; CORDEIRO, A. C. C.; PEREIRA, J. A.; LOBO, V. L. da S.; LACERDA, M. C.; CUSTÓDIO, D. P.; MAGALHÃES JUNIOR, A. M. de; ABREU, A. G. de; SANTIAGO, C. M.; SANTOS, B. M. dos BRS Catiana is an irrigated rice cultivar with a medium cycle and excellent grain quality, suited for cultivation in 17 Brazilian states. It has a high yield potential (15,535 kg ha-1) and a mean yiel... ... |
Autoria: GONDIM, R. S.; SERRANO, L. A. L.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; SILVA, J. P. da Abstract: Important losses of dwarf cashew seedlings during the establishment of orchards in the Brazilian semiarid are related to the relatively short rainy season. This study aimed to evaluate bioch... ... |
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