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Autoria: ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; FAVARIN, J. L.; OLIVEIRA, F. B.; PIEROZAN JUNIOR, C.; OLIVEIRA, S. M. de; LAGO, B. C.; TEZOTTO, T.; OTTO, R.; TRIVELIN, P. C. O. Polymer coated urea (PCU) have the potential to increase nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) by the release of N following crop demand while reducing losses by volatilization, leaching and denitrificati... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, M. da C. S.; NASCENTE, A. S.; TEIXEIRA, P. C. Urea is the most used N fertilizer for upland rice, however, a great percentage of N loss can occur with the use of this fertilizer. The use of products that provide reduction of N loss for urea ferti... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, T. M.; PRANDO, A. M.; MIRANDA, M. Z. de; HIROOKA, EL. Y.; ZUCARELI, C. The chemical composition of wheat kernels (Triticum aestivum L.) directly affects the quality of flour by modifying its functional and technological properties, determining its use by the industry. Fi... ... |
Autoria: BARBERENA, I. M.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; TORRES, J. D.; OLIVEIRA, B. G. de F.; FÁTIMA, A. de A ureia é o fertilizante nitrogenado mais utilizado no Brasil e no mundo. Entretanto, a eficiência da ureia é reduzida devido às perdas de nitrogênio causadas pela volatilização de amônia (NH3) result... ... |
Autoria: GIROTO, A. S.; VALLE, S. F.; BORGES, R.; COLNAGO, L. A.; RIBEIRO, T. S.; JABLONOWSKI N. D.; RIBEIRO, C.; MATTOSO, L. H. C. Abstract: A detailed structural investigation of a promising bio-based polymer, polyglycerol citrate polyester, obtained by the bulk polycondensation of glycerol (Gly) against citric acid (Cit) under... ... |
Autoria: MODOLO, L. V.; HORTA, L. P.; MARRIEL, I. E.; FÁTIMA, A. de
Autoria: PAULO, E. M.; BOFFO, E. F.; BRANCO, A.; VALENTE, A. M. M. P.; MELO, I. S. de; FERREIRA, A. G.; ROQUE, M. R. de A.; ASSIS, S. A. de ABSTRACT: The genus Leuconostoc belongs to a group of lactic acid bacteria usually isolated from fermented vegetables, which includes species involved in the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS). Th... ... |
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