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Autoria: MAR, T. B.; XAVIER, C. A. D.; LIMA, A. T. M.; NOGUEIRA, A. M.; SILVA, J. C. F.; RAMOS-SOBRINHO, R.; LAU, D.; ZERBINI, F. M. The emergence of begomoviruses (whitefly-transmitted viruses classified in the genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) in Brazil probably occurred by horizontal transfer from non-cultivated plants af... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, B. S. R. da; SANT'ANA, G. C.; CHAVES, C. L.; ANDROCIOLI, L. G.; FERREIRA, R. V.; SERA, G. H.; CHARMETANT, P.; LEROY, T.; POT, D.; DOMINGUES, D. S.; PEREIRA, L. F. P. genotypes is highly relevant to optimize the use of genetic resources for breeding purposes. In this study, we evaluated genetic diversity, clustering analysis based on Jaccard?s coefficient and popul... ... |
Autoria: ZANELLA, R.; LAGO, L. V.; SILVA, A. N. da; PÉRTILLE, F.; CARVALHO, N. S. de; PANETTO, J. C. do C.; ZANELLA, G. C.; FACIOLI, F. L.; SILVA, M. V. G. B. Abstract The Indubrasil breed was developed in the Brazilian region called Triângulo Mineiro as a result of a cross between zebu cattle. Initially, it was used as a terminal cross and currently it rep... ... |
Autoria: PALMA, G. R.; GODOY, W. A. C.; ENGEL, E.; LAU, D.; GALVAN, E.; MASON, O.; MARKHAM, C.; MORAL, R. A. Resumo: A complexidade e a importância prática dos surtos de insetos tornaram o problema de prever surtos um foco de pesquisa recente. Propomos o método de Previsão Baseada em Padrões (PBP) para preve... ... |
Autoria: SERRANO, R. O. P.; WADT, L. H. de O.; KAINER, K. A. In the Amazonian state of Acre, Brazil, Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) have been commercially collected for almost a century by traditional populations inhabiting the forests of the Acre Ri... ... |
Autoria: EBERT, A.; BALDONI, A. B.; SKOWRONSKI, L.; CONSTANTINO. M.; BARROS. J. H. de S.; COSTA, R. B. da Genetic diversity studies in natural forest species populations have consistently expanded in recent years. Considering that biodiversity is directly related to genetic variation among and within popu... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. C.; BATISTA, R. O.; ANJOS, R. S. R.; SOUZA, M. H.; CARNEIRO, P. C. S.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O.; BARROS, E. G.; CARNEIRO, J. E. S. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) are a valuable resource for building genetic linkage maps. The presence of genetic variability in the RILs is essential for detecting associations between molecular mar... ... |
Autoria: MISTRO, J. C.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; FAZUOLI, L. C.; VENCOVSKY, R. This work aimed to study the effective population size and genetic gain in a population of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) and verify the possibility of using recurrent selection. The experim... ... |
Autoria: BIEGELMEYER, P.; OLIVEIRA, M. M.; CARDOSO, L. L.; GOMES, C. C. G.; HIGA, R. H.; DIONELLO, N. J. L.; CAETANO, A. R.; STEIBEL, J. P.; CARDOSO, F. F. A set of 41,241 SNP genotypes from 2,435 Hereford (HH) and Braford (BO) bovines were analyzed to estimate linkage disequilibrium (LD) levels, persistence of phase and effective population size of thes... ... |
Autoria: PEIXOTO, M. G. C. D.; CARVALHO, M. R. S.; EGITO, A. A. do; STEINBERG, R. S.; BRUNELI, F. A. T.; MACHADO, M. A.; SANTOS, F. C.; ROSSE, I. C.; FONSECA, P. A. S. The Brazilian Guzerá population originated from a few founders introduced from India. These animals adapted well to the harsh environments in Brazil, were selected for beef, milk, or dual-purpose (bee... ... |
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