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Autoria: REISSER JUNIOR, C.; SOARES, I. P.; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; GONCALVES, S. B. In this chapter, several processes developed by Embrapa for the conversion of biomass, cultivated or from waste, into energy will be presented, as well as photovoltaic and wind energy applications imp... ... |
Autoria: BRUNETTO, G.; MELO, G. W. B. de; TERZANO, R.; DEL BUONO, D.; ASTOLFI, S.; TOMASI, N.; PII, Y.; MIMMO, T.; CESCO, S. Viticulture represents an important agricultural practice in many countries worldwide. Yet, the continuous use of fungicides has caused copper (Cu) accumulation in soils, which represent a major envir... ... |
Autoria: ASSIS, G. M. L. de; RUGGIERI, A. C.; MERCADANTE, M. E. Z.; CAMARGO, G. M. F. de; CARNEIRO JUNIOR, J. M. Although alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a leguminous herbage widely used in temperate regions as animal feed, there is not much research in tropical regions to develop cultivars adapted to these envi... ... |
Spatial analysis of erosive processes in plateaus and depressions of the Upper Paraguai river basin. Autoria: ANDRADE, D. D. de; SILVA, J. dos S. V. da; FIGUEIREDO, V. A.; CASTRO, E. C. de Natural characteristics may contribute to the erosion of the soil and to environmental imbalances, and in most cases, they initiate the imbalances that will be exacerbated by human activities. The pre... ... |
Autoria: YANO, I. H.; CASTRO, A. de; CANÇADO, G. M. de A.; SILVA, F. C. da Advances in information and communication technology (ICTs) have reduced physical, political and cultural barriers among nations. Furnished with equipment and sensors, and without connection limit, wo... ... |
Autoria: SOUSA, S. G. A. de; WANDELLI, E. V.; LOURENCO, J. N. de P.; CAMPOS, L. da S. A andiroba (Carapa guianensis e Carapa procera) é uma espécie de uso múltiplo, de grande importância econômica, ecológica e social. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento em altura e DAP... ... |
Autoria: PRESTES, A. A.; HELM, C. V.; ESMERINO, E. A.; SILVA, R.; PRUDENCIO, E. S. ABSTRACT. The concentration of dairy products is widely applied in dairy manufacturing due to obtaining products with the high dry matter, added value, reduced volume, and an increase in shelf-life. T... ... |
Autoria: CASTELLANOS, E.; MCCLAIN, M.; ALVAREZ, M.; BRKLACICH, M.; CALVO-ALVARADO, J. C.; COUTINHO, H. L. da C.; JIMENEZ OSORNIO, J.; SCHELLENBERG, M. Ecosystem services are fundamental to the development of sustainable landscapes but are largely ignored or taken for granted in land management strategies. Ecosystems, and the ecological processes tha... ... |
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