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Autoria: JANK, L.; SANTOS, M. F.; NONATO, T. B.; SANTANA, T. S.; BARRIOS, S. C. L.; RESENDE, R. M. S.; VALLE, C. B. do In search of new cultivars with differentials that better meet the needs of the cattle ranchers, crosses between five sexual plants and the apomictic accessions PM20, PM21 and Myiage were carried out... ... |
Autoria: SALOJÄRVI.; RAMBANI, A.; YU, Z.; GUYOT, R.; STRICKLER, S.; LEPELLEY, M.; WANG, C.; RAJARAMAN, S.; RASTAS, P.; ZHENG, C.; MUÑOZ, D. S.; MEIDANIS, J.; PASCHOAL, A. R.; BAWIN, Y.; KRABBENHOFT, T. J.; WANG, Z. Q.; FLECK, S. J.; AUSSEL, R.; BELLANGER, L.; CHARPAGNE, A.; FOURNIER, C.; KASSAM, M.; LEFEBVRE, G.; MÉTAIRON, S.; MOINE, D.; RIGOREAU, M.; STOLTE, J.; HAMON, P.; COUTURON, E.; TRANCHANT-DUBREUIL, C.; MUKHERJEE, M.; LAN, T.; ENGELHARDT, J.; STADLER, P.; LEMOS, S. M. C. de; SUZUKI, S. I.; SUMIRAT, U.; WAI, C. M.; DAUCHOT, N.; OROZCO-ARIAS, S.; GARAVITO, A.; KIWUKA, C.; MUSOLI, P.; NALUKENGE, A.; GUICHOUX, E.; REINOUT, H.; SMIT, M.; CARRETERO-PAULET, L.; GUERREIRO FILHO, O.; BRAGHINI, M. T.; PADILHA, L.; SERA, G. H.; RUTTINK, T.; HENRY, R.; MARRACCINI, P.; PEER, Y. V. de; ANDRADE, A. C.; DOMINGUES, D.; GIULIANO, G.; MUELLER, L.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; PLAISANCE, S.; PONCET, V.; ROMBAUTS, S.; SANKOFF, D.; ALBERT, V. A.; CROUZILLAT, D.; KOCHKO, A. de; DESCOMBES, P. Coffea arabica, an allotetraploid hybrid of Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora, is the source of approximately 60% of coffee products worldwide, and its cultivated accessions have undergone sever... ... |
Autoria: AUAD, A. M.; CALSAVARA, L. A.; SOUZA SOBRINHO, F. de; LEDO, F. J. da S.; MACHADO, J. C.; PEREIRA, A. V. This study examines Cenchrus purpureus with the aim of identifying genotypes and select plants progenitors resistant to Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant, 1909) for future recurrent selection from the el... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, R. M.; MELO, N. F. de; FERREIRA, M. A. J. F.; QUEIROZ, M. A. A. The aim of this study was to identify parents and promising hybrid combinations for the improvement of forage watermelon. Five parents were evaluated: BGCIA 996 (1), BGCIA 997 (2), BGCIA 998 (3), BGCI... ... |
Autoria: JUNQUEIRA, V. S.; PEIXOTO, L. de A.; LAVIOLA, B. G.; BHERING, L. L.; MENDONCA, S.; COSTA, T. da S. A.; ANTONIASSI, R. The biggest challenge for jatropha breeding is to identify superior genotypes that present high seed yield and seed oil content with reduced toxicity levels. Therefore, the objective of this study was... ... |
Autoria: LUZ, G. A.; GOMES, S. O.; ARAUJO NETO, R. B. de; NASCIMENTO, M. S. C. B.; LIMA, P. S. da C. Cratylia argentea (Desv.) Kuntze (Fabaceae) is a drought-tolerant, perennial legume found primarily in Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. The shrub is well adapted to acid soils and exhibits high productivity... ... |
Autoria: HOHENFELD, C. S.; PASSOS, A. R.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; OLIVEIRA, E. J. de Cassava root rot disease is caused by a complex of soil-borne pathogens and has high economic impacts because it directly affects the tuberous roots, which are the main commercial product. This study... ... |
Autoria: ARAÚJO, J. F.; ANDRIOLI, A.; PINHEIRO, R. R.; SIDER, L. H.; SOUSA, A. L. M. de; AZEVEDO, D. A. A. de; PEIXOTO, R. M.; LIMA, A. M. C.; DAMASCENO, E. M.; SOUZA, S. C. R.; TEIXEIRA, M. F. da S. Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate by means of Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (nPCR), co-cultivation and sequencing, with genetic comparison between strains (mother/newborn), the occurrence of v... ... |
Autoria: MARTUSCELLO, J. A.; JANK, L.; FONSECA, D. M. da; CRUZ, C. D.; CUNHA, D. de N. F. V. da ABSTRACT - The objective of this study was to select superior genotypes in half-sib populations obtained from crosses between sexual plants and apomictic accessions. The experiment also proposed to co... ... |
Autoria: PEDRI, E. C. M. de; SANTOS, L. L. dos; WOLF, M. S.; TIAGO, A. V.; CARDOSO, E. dos S.; HOOGERHEIDE, E. S. S.; ROSSI, A. A. B. Resumo: A mandioca é uma das mais tradicionais culturas agrícolas, de relevância socioeconômica, cultivada eficientemente, em todas as regiões do Brasil. Objetivou-se neste estudo caracterizar 71 etno... ... |
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