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Autoria: CARVALHO, L. P. de; FARIAS, F. J. C.; RODRIGUES, J. I. S.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; TEODORO Studying genetic diversity among a group of genotypes is important in genetic breeding because identifying hybrid combinations of greater heterotic effect also increases the chance of obtaining plants... ... |
Autoria: MOURÃO, G. B.; SALEM, M. M. I; PACKER, U. I.; PINTO, L. F. B.; MACHADO, M. A.; GASPARIN, G.; AZEVEDO, A. L. S.; VERNEQUE, R. da S.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Classical quantitative genetic approach is applied successfully to improve livestock production using phenotype and pedigree information to estimate population genetic parameters such as heritabilitie... ... |
Autoria: RAGOGNETTI, B. do N. N; STAFUZZA, N. B.; SILVA, T. B. R. da; CHUD, T. C. S.; GRUPIONI, V. A. R.; CRUZ, V. A. R.; DANTAS, J. de O.; NONES, K.; LEDUR, M. C.; MUNARI, D. P. Abstract: Selection among broilers for performance traits is resulting in locomotion problems and bone disorders, once skeletal structure is not strong enough to support body weight in broilers with h... ... |
Autoria: MIYATA, M.; GASPARIN, G.; COUTINHO, L. L.; MARTINEZ, M. L.; MACHADO, M. A.; SILVA, M. V. G. B. da; CAMPOS, A. L.; SONSTEGARD, T. S.; ROSÁRIO, M. F. do; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in livestock allows the identification of genes that determine the genetic variation affecting traits of economic interest. We analyzed the birth weight and weigh... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, E. J. de; AUD, F. F.; MORALES, C. F. G.; SANTOS, V. da S.; KOTWISKI, F.; V. COSTA The knowledge of the phenotypic variation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm allows estimating the genetic variability to support the selection of contrasting genitors. Therefore, the aim... ... |
Autoria: CARRARA, E. R.; PEIXOTO, M. G. C. D.; VERONEZE, R.; SILVA, F. F. e; RAMOS, P. V. B.; BRUNELI, F. A. T.; ZADRA, L. E. F.; VENTURA, H. T.; JOSAHKIAN, L. A.; LOPES, P. S. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for 305-day cumulative milk yield and components, growth, and reproductive traits in Guzerá cattle. Methods: The evaluated traits we... ... |
Autoria: MANARELLI, D. M.; ORRICO JUNIOR, M. A. P.; RETORE, M.; VARGAS JUNIOR, F. M.; SILVA, M. S. J. da; ORRICO, A. C. A.; BORQUIS, R. R. A.; CRONE, C.; NEVES, F. de O. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance and carcass traits of lambs fed silages of different types of sorghum and corn. Thirty-two uncastrated male Suffolk lambs were use... ... |
Autoria: NASCIMENTO, M.; SILVA, F. F. e; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; CRUZ, C. D.; NASCIMENTO, A. C. C.; VIANA, J. M. S.; AZEVEDO, C. F.; BARROSO, L. M. A. Genomic selection (GS) is a variant of marker-assisted selection, in which genetic markers covering the whole genome predict individual genetic merits for breeding. GS increases the accuracy of breedi... ... |
Autoria: PIRES, A. V.; LOPES, P. S.; GUIMARAES, S. E. F.; GUIMARAES, C. T.; GOMIDE, L. A. M.; BENEVENUTO JUNIOR, A. A.; CARMO, F. M. S. The current study was carried out to perform QTL mapping on swine chromosome 6 (SSC6) associated to meat quality traits. The F2 population was produced by outbreed crossing using two native Brazilian... ... |
Autoria: PIRES, A. V.; LOPES, P. S.; GUIMARAES, C. T.; GUIMARAES, S. E. F. The objective of this study was to perform QTL mapping associated with performance traits on swine chromosome 6 (SSC6). The F2 population was produced by outcrossing using two native Brazilian breed P... ... |
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