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Autoria: LIMA, R. S. N. de; DAHER, R. F.; GONÇALVES, L. S. A.; ROSSI, D. A.; AMARAL JÚNIOR, A. T. do; PEREIRA, M. G.; LEDO, F. J. da S. Considering the expected genetic variability of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), due to its cultivation in different continents, we characterized and estimated the genetic divergences between 46... ... |
Autoria: SILVESTRINI, M.; MALUF, M. P.; SILVAROLLA, M. B.; GUERREIRO-FILHO, O.; MEDINA-FILHO, H. P.; VANINI, M. M. T.; OLIVEIRA, A. S.; GAPARI-PEZZOPANE, C. de; FAZUOLI, L. C. Genetic diversity and relationships within and among nine species of Coffea, one species of Psilanthus and the Piata? hybrid from the Coffee Germplasm Collection of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (I... ... |
Autoria: FERRAO, M. A. G.; FONSECA, A. F. A. da; FERRÃO, R. G.; BARBOSA, W. M.; SOUZA, E. M. R. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic variability of 49 Coffea canephora clones o.lthe breeding program of the Capixaba Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incaper) bas... ... |
Autoria: PASSOS, L. P.; MACHADO, M. A.; VIDIGAL, M. C.; CAMPOS, A. L. ABSTRACT - Elephantgrass pastures are limited by yield variations and reductions in forage quality and availability, thus making the search for genotypes with reduced seasonality a major concern. In o... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, J. C. de; CRIPPA, A.; GARRIDO, L. da R.; CAMARGO, U. A.; OLIVEIRA, P. R. D. de Forty-eight polymorphic RAPD primers were used to study the genetic similarity of eight grapevine (Vitti spp.) accessions: Itália, Seyve Villard 12327, Seyve Villard 12375, Crimson Seedless, CG 87746,... ... |
Autoria: EGITO, A. A. do; FUCK, B. H.; MCMANUS, C.; PAIVA, S. R.; ALBUQUERQUE, M. do S. M.; SANTOS, S. A.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; SILVA, J. A. da; SERENO, F. T. P. de S.; MARIANTE, A. da S. Blood samples were collected from Pantaneiro Horses in five regions of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso States. Arabian, Mangalarga Marchador and Thoroughbred were also included to estimate genetic... ... |
Autoria: CRESTE, S.; TSAI, S. M.; VALLS, J. F. M.; GIMENES, M. A.; LOPES, C. R.
Autoria: CHIARI, L.; RESENDE, R. M. S.; Matida, E. T. This study investigated the mating systems in Stylosanthes guianensis, an important tropical forage legume. Twelve progenies were analyzed with 21 polymorphic random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) l... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, S. S.; SCHUHLI, G. S. e; DEGENHARDT-GOLDBACH, J.; QUOIRIN, M. G. G. Marcadores RAPD (Random amplified polymorphic DNA) são simples, eficientes, baratos e não requerem conhecimento prévio do genoma do organismo estudado, o que é particularmente importante para espécies... ... |
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