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Autoria: PEDRO NETO, M.; REIS, P. R.; ZACARIAS, M. S.; SILVA, R. A. Climate changes, such as temperature rise, prolonged drought and heavy rainfall, impair human activities, especially the food production sector. Rainfall is one of the most important natural, life-sus... ... |
Autoria: GRIS, D. J.; VENDRUSCULO, L. G.; ZOLIN, C. A. Water is a basic resource for human life and understanding how it cycles in the environment is important for its management. Nevertheless, hydrological models require high quality data in order to acc... ... |
Autoria: BERGAMASCHI, H.; WHEELER, T. R.; CHALLINOR, A. J.; COMIRAN, F.; HECKLER, B. M. M. This study aimed to establish relationships between maize yield and rainfall on different temporal and spatial scales, in order to provide a basis for crop monitoring and modelling. A 16-year series o... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, J. R. P. de; NAKAI, A. M.; MONTEIRO, J. E. B. A. Spatio-temporal modelling is an area of increasing importance in which models and methods have often been developed to deal with specific applications. In this study, a spatio-temporal model was used... ... |
Autoria: PILAU, F. G.; MARIN, F. R.; GRUBERT, D. A. da V.; DALMAGO, G. A.; ROMANELLI, T. L. Abstract: Rio Grande do Sul (RS) presents a known year-on-year unevenness for soybean production, mainly due to water availability. This study aimed to assess the climate effects, with special focus o... ... |
Autoria: GALDINO, S.; GREGO, C. R.; SILVA, J. dos S. V. da Mapping rainfall erosivity is a practical and indispensable tool for land use planning at regional scale, like large river basins. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution... ... |
Autoria: SABINO, M.; SOUZA, A. P. de; ULIANA, E. M.; LISBOA, L.; ALMEIDA, F. T. de; ZOLIN, C. A. EN-US: Intensive rainfall is an important meteorological variable that is of technical interest in hydraulic projects. This study therefore generated Intensity-Duration-Frequency equations (IDF) for 1... ... |
Autoria: CASAVECCHIA, B. H.; ALMEIDA, F. T. de; SOUZA, A. P. de; ZOLIN, C. A.; ULIANA, E. M.; MARQUES, A. The development of a hydrological model in Amazon region has been a challenge for researchers since historical series of hydrological data in the Amazon region are still insufficient. The aim of this... ... |
Autoria: GROPPO, J.; PELLEGRINO, G. In this studied were analyzed the streamflow and rainfall of the "Alto Teles Pires Watershed", northern Brazil, in the period from 1977 to 2009. |
Autoria: MENEZES, D. R.; SANTOS, J. M. dos; OLIVEIRA, C. R. N. de; MARCELINO, P. D. R.; PINHEIRO, A. P. da M.; CARVALHO, D. T. Q. de; NASCIMENTO, J. C. S.; GOIS, G. C.; VOLTOLINI, T. V.; QUEIROZ, M. A. A. The objective was to evaluate the effect of rainfall variability on the chemical composition, in vitro degradability and gas production of cacti in Semiarid region. |
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