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Autoria: YUAN, S.; LINQUIST, B. A.; WILSON, L. T.; CASSMAN, K. G.; STUART, A. M.; PEDE, V.; MIRO, B.; SAITO, K.; AGUSTIANI, N.; ARISTYA, V. E.; KRISNADI, L. Y.; ZANON, A. J.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; CARRACELAS, G.; SUBASH, N.; BRAHMANAND, P. S.; LI, T.; PENG, S.; GRASSINI, P. Future rice systems must produce more grain while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. A key question is how to orient agricultural research & development (R&D) programs at national to globa... ... |
Autoria: WEBER, O. B.; CRISOSTOMO, L. A.; MIRANDA, F. R. de; SOUSA, A. F.; MESQUITA, A. L. M.; CABRAL, J. E. de O. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of irrigation with oilfield produced water on the concentration of some soil nutrients, as well as on the performance and concentration of nutrie... ... |
Autoria: PEDROSO, A. de F.; NUSSIO, L. G.; RODRIGUES, A. de A.; SANTOS, F. A. P; MOURÃO, G. B.; BARIONI JUNIOR, W. An experiment was performed aiming at evaluating the performance of dairy cows fed sugarcane silages treated with additives compared to cows fed fresh forage. Twenty-four Holstein cows were grouped in... ... |
Autoria: LEÃO, J. M.; MACHADO, F. S.; CAMPOS, M. M.; CARNEIRO, J. C.; MARTINS, P. C.; COSTA, I. C.; SILVA, P. S. D.; FARIA, B. K. A.; LIMA, J. A. M.; SOUZA, R. S. de; COELHO, S. G.
Autoria: RIBEIRO, J. do S.; GONÇALVES, T. de M.; LADEIRA, M. M.; CAMPOS, F. R.; TULLIO, R. R.; MACHADO NETO, O. R.; OLIVEIRA, D. M. de; BASSI, M. S. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual feed intake (RFI) and its relation with performance, carcass and meat characteristics of Zebu animals. A total of 40 Zebu steers with initial a... ... |
Autoria: BOLDRIN, P. F.; REIS, A. C. P. dos; BENITES, V. de M.; TAVARES, R. L. M.; MENEZES, J. F. S.; CANTÃO, V. C. G. Knowledge of the solubility of phosphate fertilizers is fundamental for phosphorus (P) recommendation management and for choosing the laboratory evaluation method of nutrient availability in the soil... ... |
Autoria: LAGE, C. F. DE A.; COELHO, S. G.; DINIZ NETO, H. DO C.; MALACCO, V. M. R.; RODRIGUES, J. P. P.; SACRAMENTO, J. P.; MACHADO, F. S.; PEREIRA, L. G. R.; TOMICH, T. R.; CAMPOS, M. M. The objectives of this study were: 1) to classify animals into groups of high and low feed efficiency using two feed efficiency indexes (Residual feed intake (RFI) and residual feed intake and body we... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, M. do R. L.; LAMADE, E.; OLLIVIER, J.; DUBOS, B.; LOPES, R.; TEIXEIRA, W. G. Recently some researchers focus on the identification of planting material presenting a better efficiency towards nutrient applications and consumptions. Our work is focusing on the internal functioni... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. da S. e; MOREIRA, T. B. S.; GOMES, E. G. In this article we perform production efficiency analysis for the 40 countries with largest value added by agricultural sector in 2005. Under the assumption of a nonparametric frontier and production... ... |
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