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Autoria: BARRETO, P.; DAMBIRE, C.; SHARMA, G.; VICENTE, J.; OSBORNE, R.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; GIBBS, D. J.; MAIA, I. G.; HOLDSWORTH, M. J.; ARRUDA, P. SUMMARY. Mitochondrial retrograde signaling is an important component of intracellular stress signaling in eukaryotes. UNCOUPLING PROTEIN (UCP)1 is an abundant plant inner-mitochondrial membrane prote... ... |
Autoria: BARRETO, P.; KOLTUN, A.; NONATO, J.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; MAIA, I. de G.; ARRUDA, P. Abstract. The interaction of mitochondria with cellular components evolved differently in plants and mammals; in plants, the organelle contains proteins such as ALTERNATIVE OXIDASES (AOXs), which, in... ... |
Autoria: MENDES, G. C.; REIS, P. A. B.; CALIL, I. P.; CARVALHO, H. H.; ARAGAO, F. J. L.; FONTES, E. P. B.
Autoria: DJABOU, A. S. M.; CARVALHO, L. J. C. B.; LI, Q. S.; NIEMENAK, N.; CHEN, S.
Autoria: SANTOS, T. B.; F. NETO, R. S.; COLLANTES, N. F.; HIDALGO CHÁVEZ, D. W.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de; QUEIROZ, V. A. V. Sorghum is a cereal that can be an alternative source of starch, of interesting properties following the demand for non-chemically modified starches, which is current market trend. Therefore, this stu... ... |
Autoria: HASHIMOTO, J. M.; SCHMIELE, M.; NABESHIMA, E. H. There is little research on the viscosity profile analysis of cowpea cotyledon flour (CCF). Due to the new ways of using pulses grains in the diet, it is important to evaluate the viscoamylographic be... ... |
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