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Autoria: BARRETO, D. A.; FURTADO, A. L. dos S.; FOLHARINI, S. DE O.; MARINHO, C.; ROCHA, A. DE M.; BOZELLI, R. L.; AZEVEDO, J. P. S. DE; SILVA, L. H. S. Rivers, as most bodies of water, are subject to eutrophication and water contamination, mainly from domestic sewage and industrial discharges from urban centers and agricultural areas. These growing h... ... |
Autoria: POLAZ, C. N. M.; MELO, B. F.; BRITZKE, R.; RESENDE, E. K. de; MACHADO, F. de A.; LIMA, J. A. F. de; PETRERE JUNIOR, M. The Pantanal Biosphere Reserve contains one of the highest concentration of animal species in the Neotropics, including about 300 fish species living in diverse environments associated with wetlands i... ... |
Autoria: FERRARINI, A. dos S. F.; FERREIRA FILHO, J. B. de S.; CUADRA, S. V.; VICTORIA, D. de C. Abstract. This study analyzed how irrigation expansion in the São Francisco Hydrographic Region (SFRH) could affect water availability in four physiographic regions: Upper, Middle, sub-Middle, and Low... ... |
Autoria: SERRANO, R. O. P.; WADT, L. H. de O.; KAINER, K. A. In the Amazonian state of Acre, Brazil, Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) have been commercially collected for almost a century by traditional populations inhabiting the forests of the Acre Ri... ... |
Autoria: VETORELLI, M. P.; RODRIGUES, L. A.; KIMPARA, J. M.; VALENTI, W. C. The effects of the intensification on the performance of the Amazon River prawn hatchery carried out in a simple recirculation system were investigated. |
Autoria: LACERDA, A. C. F.; TAKEMOTO, R. M.; TAVARES-DIAS, M.; POULIN, R.; PAVANELLI, G. C. Biological invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity around the world, but the role of parasites in this process is still little investigated. Here, we compared parasite infections of a... ... |
Autoria: DUARTE, S. S.; COUCEIRO, S. R. M.; LIMA, J. de F.; ANDRÉ-VIANA, L. Introduction: Macrobrachium amazonicum is widely distributed in South America, occurring in the Orinoco, Amazon and Paraguay river basins, being used as an important source of protein for feeding rive... ... |
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