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Autoria: LARA, L. M.; GEBLER, L.; LEITE JÚNIOR, M. J.; SOARES, A. L. Brazilian fruit culture has a great influence on the social and economic sector in the most diverse regions of the country, generating employment and income in the exercise of its activities. As it is... ... |
Autoria: MORETO, P.; KOENIGKAN, L. V.; SANTOS, T. T. Este trabalho expõe o desenvolvimento de um veículo terrestre não-tripulado de baixo custo, apto à captura de dados de câmeras, GNSS e unidades de medição inercial. |
Autoria: MAHLEIN, A. K.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; CHIANG, K. S.; DEL PONTE, E. M.; BOCK, C. H. In the past decade, there has been a recognized need for innovative methods to monitor and manage plant diseases, aiming to meet the precision demandsof modern agriculture. Over the last 15 years, sig... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, B. S. da; CABREIRA, T. M.; De SOUZA, J. O.; MATIAS. N. R.; MACHADO, R. A. O.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; FERREIRA JR., P. R. Agricultural pests and diseases can cause financiallosses on the scale of millions per year and threaten food security.Biological control (BC) is a natural phenomenon to mitigate a particular populati... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, T. T.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; TERNES, S.; CAMARGO NETO, J.; KOENIGKAN, L. V.; SOUZA, K. X. S. de Introduction. Perception: pattern recognition in images: Identification of plant diseases; Detection of animals in pastures; Detection and counting of fruits. Three-dimensional mapping and reconstruct... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, C. N.; GONÇALVES, M. T. L. V.; SAKUDA, L. O.; SOUZA, S. S. de; JARDIM, F. I. R. Brazil leads the way in terms of digitalization in agriculture, and, according to studies conducted by McKinsey, in 2019, the Brazilian agriculturists were, in average, the heaviest users of digital m... ... |
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