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Autoria: KLAIC, R.; GAVA JUNIOR, M.; RIBEIRO, C.; FARINAS, C. S. The objective of this work was to evaluate the solubilization of phosphorus from a phosphate rock by Aspergillus niger, under solidstate cultivation (SSC) in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) bagasse,... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, M. da C. S.; NASCENTE, A. S.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, A. de A field study was carried out in an acidic clayey Oxisol, during five growing seasons, aiming to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of Bayóvar reactive rock phosphate (BRF) and Arraias sedimentary r... ... |
Autoria: MELO, G. W. B. de; MORAIS NETO, J. A.; BORBA, D. R.; IWAMOTO, H.; OZELAME, K. P. C.; VIEIRA, J. L.; ZALAMENA, J.; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. In grape production, cover crops play a key role in soil protection and nutrient cycling. Thus, since grapevine requirements for P are low, adequate management of cover crops may provide sufficient P... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, E. A.; SILVA, U. de C.; MARRIEL, I. E.; OLIVEIRA-PAIVA, C. A.; LANA, U. G. de P. ABSTRACT - The selection of microorganisms capable of solubilizing phosphorus (P) from rock phosphates (RP) may contribute to reduce the dependence of imported fertilizers in grain crops, reducing the... ... |
Autoria: BENITES, V. de M.; DAL MOLIN, S. J.; SANTOS, J. A. C. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of partially acidulated Arraias rock phosphate. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, G... ... |
Autoria: AGUIAR, N. S. de; MASTELLA, A. D. F.; GABIRA, M. M.; WALTER, L. S.; FELIX, F. C.; MATOS, D. C. P. de; WENDLING, I.; ANGELO, A. C.; GASPAR, R. G. B.; KRATZ, D. ABSTRACT. This study aims to analyze the incorporation of basalt rock dust to a commercial substrate based on pine bark under two light conditions on initial growth of Monteverdia ilicifolia (Mart. Ex... ... |
Autoria: LIPOVETSKY, T.; ZHUANG, L.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; BOYD, A.; PONTEDEIRO, E. M.; MORICONI, L.; ALVES, J. L. D.; COUTO, P.; VAN GENUCHTEN, M. TH. The unsaturated hydraulic properties provide important theoretical and practical information about fluid flow in soils and rocks for a range of soil, environmental and engineering applications. In thi... ... |
Autoria: VIANA, J. H. M.; COELHO, A. M.; THOMAZINI, A.; CARVALHO, M. P. F. de; FRANÇA, A. C. F.; CLEMENTE, E. de P. The incorporation of new sources of fertilizers is important to of the food production security. The use of rock powders still needs investigation to address their agronomic efficiency and the safety... ... |
Autoria: LOPES, V. A.; WEI, M. C. F.; CARDOSO, T. M.; MARTINS, E. de S.; CASAGRANDE, J. C.; MARIANO, E. D. ABSTRACT: Alternatives to enhance the consensual low phosphorus (P) use efficiency of agriculture may include use of phosphate rock (PR) and plant species with unequal ability to get soil and rock P i... ... |
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