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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; HOHENFELD, C. S.; SANTOS, V. da S.; HADDAD, F.; OLIVEIRA, E. J. de The objective of this work was to identify sources of resistance to dry root rot induced by Fusarium sp. in cassava accessions. A macroconidial suspension (20 µL) of 11 Fusarium sp. isolates was inocu... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, E. J. de; OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; VILAS BOAS, S. A.; HOHENFELD, C. S.; SANTOS, V. da S. The cassava root rot disease (CRRD) severely affects productivity in several countries. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and to identify multiple resistance sources again... ... |
Autoria: HOHENFELD, C. S.; PASSOS, A. R.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; OLIVEIRA, E. J. de Cassava root rot disease is caused by a complex of soil-borne pathogens and has high economic impacts because it directly affects the tuberous roots, which are the main commercial product. This study... ... |
Autoria: SUTTON, J. C.; SOPHER, C. R.; OWEN-GOING, T. N.; LIU, W.; GRODZINSKI, B.; HALL, J. C.; BENCHIMOL, R. L. The etiology and epidemiology of Pythium root rot in hydroponically-grown crops are reviewed with emphasis on knowledge and concepts considered important for managing the disease in commercial greenho... ... |
Autoria: SANTIAGO, C, H.; SANTANA, M. P.; CAIRO JUNIOR, L. R.; OLIVEIRA, S. A. S. de; OLIVEIRA, E. J. de Cassava root rot diseases such as dry and black root rot are listed among the major threats, since its affect the main product (tuberous roots), causing a progressive decline in yield and affecting su... ... |
Autoria: MACEDO, R.; SALES, L. P.; YOSHIDA, F.; SILVA-ABUD, L. L.; LOBO JUNIOR, M. Root rots are a constraint for staple food crops and a long-lasting food security problem worldwide. In common beans, yield losses originating from root damage are frequently attributed to dry root ro... ... |
Autoria: CABRAL, C. S.; MELO, M. P.; FONSECA, M. E. de N.; BOITEUX, L. S.; REIS, A.
Culture medium and inoculation methodology for the study of soft root rot caused by Phytopythium sp. Autoria: SILVA, J. L. de S.; ISHIDA, A. K. N.; CUNHA, R. L.; LIMA, A. M.; CUNHA, E. F. M. A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é uma importante cultura para o Brasil, onde o Pará é o principal produtor de raízes. Regiões tropicais com alta umidade e temperatura favorecem o desenvolvimento... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MAUCHLINE, T. H.; BETTIOL, W.; MENDES, R. The rhizosphere microbiome is essential for the health and development of plants, providing protection against pests and diseases. Thus, assuming that plants depend, at least in part, on the rhizosphe... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; ROSSMANN, M.; BETTIOL, W.; MENDES, R. The rhizosphere microbiome is essential for health and development of plants, providing protection against pests and diseases. Domestication of plant species may have affected the biodiversity of micr... ... |
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