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Autoria: MAY, A.; SOUZA, V. F. de; GRAVINA, G. de A.; FERNANDES, P. G. ABSTRACT - Biomass sorghum is one of the most promising crops for the production of electricity through the burning in high-pressure boilers, due to its high calorific value, high yield, seed propagat... ... |
Autoria: NASCENTE, A. S.; ARF, A.; RODRIGUES, R. A. F.; LACERDA, M. C. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of row spacing and nitrogen fertilization on plant height and lodging, yield components, grain yield and quality of upland rice crop grown in a n... ... |
Autoria: ROSA, C. B. C. J.; MARCHETTI, M. E.; SERRA, A. P.; SOUZA, L. C. F. de; ENSINAS, S. C.; SILVA, E. F. da; LOURENTE, E. R. P.; DUPAS, E.; MORAES, E. M. V. de; MATTOS, F. A.; MARTINEZ, M. A.; CONRAD, V. do A.; EL KADRI, T. C.; JESUS, M. V. The purpose of this research was to evaluate soybean agronomic traits performance under row spacing associated with NPK fertilizer. The experimental design was set up in a randomized complete block an... ... |
Autoria: MATTA, F. de P.; GODOY, R.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; FERRAZ JUNIOR, R. S. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of row spacing for sowing of 'BRS Mandarim' pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) on soil fertility and on the yield and nutritional values of bra... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, B. N. P. da; MASETTO, T. E.; GARCIA, R. A.; TOLEDO, M. Z. Crotalaria crops have important uses, such as in green manuring, nematode control, biological nitrogen fixation and sugarcane reform in Savanna areas. Due to its strategic importance, knowledge about... ... |
Autoria: LUIZ NETO NETO, A.; SILVA, J. F. da; SANTOS, A.; PADILHA, N. de S.; MAKINO, P. A.; CECCON, G. ABSTRACT - The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological changes and late season maize yield in two plant densities intercropped with five populations of Urochloa (syn. Brachiaria) brizantha... ... |
Autoria: FABRIS, L. B.; FOLONI, J. S. S.; SANTOS, D. H.; CALONEGO, J. C.; SILVA, P. C. G. da; BRANCALIÃO, S. R. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the productivity of biomass and the bromatologics attributes of two sugar cane varieties, distance between planting, and time of harvest. The experiment wa... ... |
Autoria: COSTA JUNIOR, M. de J. N. da; BASTOS, E. A.; CARDOSO, M. J.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, A. S. de The cowpea is of great socioeconomic importance in the North, Northeast and Mid-West of Brazil, and its irrigated farming has recently been on the increase in these regions. The aim of this study was... ... |
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