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Autoria: SANT'ANNA, I. C.; GOUVÊA, L. R. L.; MARTINS, M. A.; SCALOPPI JUNIOR, E. J.; FREITAS, R. S.; GONÇALVES, P. S. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of natural rubber latex traits among 44 elite genotypes of the rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA, A. The removal of primry forest causes a significant reduction of the microbial biomass of C and soil fertility. With the introduction of stands of rubber tress can be a continuos recovery of the amount... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, R. S.; COSTA, V. A.; SILVA, J. M.; FREITAS, S. The tingid Leptopharsa heveae, known as the lace bug, occurs in large populations in rubber tree plantations, limiting the production of latex due to losses of photosynthetic area and weakening of the... ... |
Autoria: RIGHI, C. A.; CAMPOE, O. C.; BERNARDES, M. S.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; PIEDADE, S. M. S.; PEREIRA, C. R. The coffee leaf-miner (CLM) (Leucoptera coffeella Guérin-Mèneville; Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), the main pest of coffee plants, occurs widely throughout the Neotropics where it has a significant, negat... ... |
Autoria: ANGELO, P. C. da S.; YAMAGISHI, M. E. B.; CRUZ, J. C. da; SILVA, G. F. da; GASPAROTTO, L. ABSTRACT. South American leaf blight (SALB) is the worst impairment for rubber tree cultivation in the Amazon. Hevea brasiliensis clones produce high latex yields but most are SALB-susceptible (SS). S... ... |
Autoria: RIGHI, C. A.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; BERNARDES, M. S.; PEREIRA, C. R.; TERAMOTO, E. R.; FAVARIN, J. L. A absorção e uso da água pelas plantas são processos essencialmente energéticos que podem ser grandemente modificados pela porcentagem de cobertura do solo, tipo de plantas, área foliar e sua distribu... ... |
Autoria: RIGHI, C. A.; BERNARDES, M. S.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; PEREIRA, C. R.; DOURADO NETO, D.; FAVARIN, J. L. Solar radiation is an important factor for plant growth, being its availability to understory crops strongly modified by trees in an Agroforestry System (AFS). Coffee trees (Coffea arabica cv. Obatã I... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, C. C.; MANTELLO, C. C.; CAMPOS, T. de; SOUZA, L. M.; GONÇALVES, P. S.; SOUZA, A. P. Hevea brasiliensis is a native species of the Amazon Basin of South America and the primary source of natural rubber worldwide. Due to the occurrence of South American Leaf Blight disease in this area... ... |
Autoria: DINIZ, A. R.; GUARESCHI, R. F.; PEREIRA, M. G.; FERNANDES, D. A. C.; BALIEIRO, F. de C.; SILVA, E. V. da; PICCOLO, M. de C. This study quantify the total organic carbon content, light fraction organic matter (LFOM), and soil organic matter fractions (from chemical and physical fractionations) in four different cultivation... ... |
Autoria: MUNIZ, M. de F. S.; CAMPOS, V. P.; CASTAGNONE SERENO, P.; CASTRO, J. M. da C. e; ALMEIDA, M. R. A.; CARNEIRO, R. M. D. G. Isozymes (esterase and malate dehydrogenase), SCAR and RAPD-PCR were studied in 15 populations of three races of Meloidogyne exigua collected in coffee-producing areas in Brazil, Bolivia and Costa Ric... ... |
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