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Autoria: ARANGO, J.; RUDEN, A.; MARTINEZ-BARON, D.; LOBOGUERRERO, A. M.; BERNDT, A.; CHACÓN, M.; TORRES, C. F.; OYHANTCABAL, W.; GOMEZ, C. A.; RICCI, P.; KU-VERA, J.; BURKART, S.; MOORBY, J. M.; CHIRINDA, N. Livestock production is a very relevant source of income and agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Mexico, and Peru. Several management and t... ... |
Autoria: CAMPANHA, M. M.; PRADO, R. B.; PARRON, L. M.; SILVA, M. S. L. da; MATTHIENSEN, A. This chapter aims to present its main researches, as well as related strategic actions of Embrapa and its partners that have much to contribute in order to meet the SDG targets. |
Autoria: SILVA, T. R. R. da; TAVARES, E. J. M.; MORGANTE, C. V.; BRITTO, D. de; PARANHOS, B. A. G. Este trabalho objetivou selecionar genes com potencial para desenvolvimento de inseticida à base de RNAi para o controle de C. capitata. |
Autoria: COSTA, P. da; COSTA, J. R. da; WANDELLI, E. V.; BIANCHINI, F.; TAVARES, E. D. Poverty eradication, the focus of this book, is addressed in SDG 1 and considered the greatest challenge to achieve global targets. This SDG aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. This publi... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. S. L. da; MATTHIENSEN, A.; BRITO, L. T. de L.; LIMA, J. E. F. W.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de In this book, Embrapa exposes its interfaces and synergies with SDG 6 (ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) and its respective targets, showing the align... ... |
Autoria: KUNZ, A.; OTENIO, M. H.; LEITAO, R. C.; GAMBETTA, R. This publication deals specifically with SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Among the targets proposed for this SDG, Emb... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, J. R. da; COSTA, P. da; ALMEIDA, J. S. S. E.; HAMMES, V. S. This book addresses the contributions of Embrapa related to the targets that address SDG 11, assuming that cities, within a sustainability agenda, cannot be seen as spots on the map, but should be ana... ... |
Autoria: KROLOW, A. C. R.; NALERIO, E. S.; SAMARY, F. T.; LIMA, L. K. F. de This work aims to discuss and present Embrapa's contributions to SDG 9. Among the targets of SDG 9 in the United Nations' documents are: 9.5 - Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological ca... ... |
Autoria: MELLO, L. M. R. de; BASSI, N. S. S.; SANTOS, L. A. dos; GERUM, A. F. A. de A. This SDG has as core the working world ? the worker ? and economic development. It is composed of 12 targets, for three of them, in the context of Embrapa, provides technological solutions with the pu... ... |
Autoria: WANDELLI, E. V.; ABREU, L. S. de; TAVARES, E. D.; BIANCHINI, F.; SILVA, A. P. da; BELTRAO, S. L. L.; FERREIRA, M. do S. G. This chapter presents solutions related to the sustainable agrifood systems developed by Embrapa that contribute to the following targets of the Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDG 1) (United Nations,... ... |
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