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Autoria: NAUMOV, A.; OLIVEIRA, R. P. de; PRADO, R. B.; TURETTA, A. P. South American countries still possess considerable land reserves for agricultural development. Huge areas of virgin lands and natural pastures have been converted to agricultural crops and suffer inc... ... |
Autoria: QUEIROZ, R. F. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; REZENDE, A. V.; ALENCAR, P. A. L. de The use of photogrammetry technology for aboveground biomass (AGB) stock estimation in tropical savannas is a challenging task and is still at a preliminary stage. This work aimed to use metrics deriv... ... |
Autoria: HILÁRIO, R. R.; TOLEDO, J. J. de; MUSTIN, K.; CASTRO, I. J.; COSTA-NETO, S. V.; KAUANO, E. E.; EILERS, V.; VASCONCELOS, I. M.; MENDES-JÚNIOR, R. N.; FUNI, C.; FEARNSIDE, P. M.; SILVA, J. M. C.; EULER, A. M. C.; CARVALHO, W. D. de Although Amapá is the most protected Brazilian state, the same level of protection does not extend to its savannas. These are currently suffering increased pressure from threats including large-scale... ... |
Autoria: AMABILE, R. F.; FALEIRO, F. G.; CAPETTINI, F.; SAYD, R. M.; PEIXOTO, J. R.; GUERCIA, R. F. Abstract: The purpose of the study was to characterize and quantify the genetic variability of 30 elite barley malt accessions irrigated in the savannas, using traits related to the industrial quality... ... |
Autoria: SALIS, S. M. de; MATTOS, P. P. de; BERGIER, I.; CRISPIM, S. M. A. The objective of this study was to determine the maximum depth, structure, diameter and biomass of the roots of common woody species in two savanna physiognomies (savanna woodland and open woody savan... ... |
Autoria: MORELLO, C. de L.; PEDROSA, M. B.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; CHITARRA, L. G.; LAMAS, F. M.; SILVA FILHO, J. L. da; ANDRADE, F. P. de; BARROSO, P. A. V.; RIBEIRO, J. L.; GODINHO, V. de P. C.; LANZA, M. A. Cotton cultivar BRS 335 is a midseason high-yield cultivar and has adaptation to the Northeast Brazilian savanna, yield stability, desirable resistance to main cotton diseases and good fiber quality.... ... |
Autoria: MORELLO, C. de L.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; FARIAS, F. J. C.; LAMAS, F. M.; PEDROSA, M. B.; RIBEIRO, J. L.; GODINHO, V. de P. C.; FREIRE, E. C. Cotton cultivar BRS 293 is a midseason high-yield cultivar and has wide adaptation to the Brazilian savanna, yield stability, desirable resistance to main cotton diseases and good fiber quality. The c... ... |
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