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Autoria: PELLEGRINO, G. Q.; ASSAD, E. D.; FARIAS, J. R. B.; MARIN, F. R.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; HIGA, R. C. V.; SANTOS, P. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. F. de; EVANGELISTA, S. R. M. Assess and quantify the GCC impacts on the major economic crops in Brazil, through the simulation of agricultural scenarios based on projections of future regionalized climate scenarios, indicating st... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, A. C. S. de; MARTINS, S. G. F.; ZACARIAS, M. S. Forecast models based on climatic conditions are of great interest in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. The success of these models depends, among other factors, on the knowledge of the tempe... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, E. T. de; REZENDE, R. P.; BORÉM, F. M.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; OLIVEIRA, F. da S. de; RIOS, P. A. The storage of agricultural products is of great importance in maintaining product quality between harvest and commercialization. The use of numerical and computational techniques, such as the finite... ... |
Autoria: NICOLELLA, G.; PEREZ FILHO, A.; SOUZA, M. D. de; FERRACINI, V. L. The use of simulation models is probably the most efficient means for predicting the behavior of pesticides in the soil-plant-water system. The CMLS (Chemical Movement in Layered Soils) simulation mod... ... |
Autoria: MANOEL, I. dos S.; RESENDE, M.; SOUSA, P. H. A.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; CIRILLO, M. A. ABSTRACT. Numerous factors contribute to specialty coffee quality, storage and cooling conditions. We may therefore assume that sensory evaluation results can be corrupted by measurement errors, espec... ... |
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