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Autoria: BRONDÍZIO, E. S.; CAK, A.; CALDAS, M. M.; MENA, C.; BILSBORROW, R.; FUTEMMA, C. T.; LUDEWIGS, T.; MORAN, E. F.; BATISTELLA, M. This chapter discusses the relationship between small farmers land use and deforestation, with particular attention paid to the past 30 years of Amazonian colonization in Brazil and Ecuador. Our analy... ... |
Autoria: SIST, P.; SABLAYROLLES, P.; BARTHELON, S.; SOUSA-OTA, L.; KIBLER, J.-F.; RUSCHEL, A.; SANTOS-MELO, M.; EZZINE-DE-BLAS, D. Small-scale farmers in the Brazilian Amazon collectively hold tenure over more than 12 million ha of permanent forest reserves, as required by the Forest Code. The trade-off between forest conservatio... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, L. S. de; BELLON, S. Few studies have analysed the role of Amazonian populations for ecological conservation of the biodiversity and for the reduction of local climatic changes. This study address an experience with Agrof... ... |
Autoria: DINIZ, F. H.; KOK, K.; HOOGSTRA-KLEIN, M. A.; ARTS, B. Deforestation is a widely recognized problem in the Brazilian Amazon. Small farmers play a key role in this process in that they earn their livelihood by ranching and farming. Many studies have addres... ... |
Autoria: PEDROZA FILHO, M. X.; CASTILHO, M. Most of fish farmed by small scale producers in developing countries is sold directly to local markets without passing through a processing industry. Besides problems related to sanitary requirements,... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, M. A. da O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta de renovação de um serviço de apoio à pesquisa agropecuária, via internet, intitulado ?Grupo de interesse de pesquisa em agricultura familiar e meio ambiente... ... |
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