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Autoria: TORRES, A. B. B.; ROCHA, A. R. DA; SILVA, T. L. C. DA; SOUZA, J. N. DE; GONDIM, R. S.
Autoria: NEGRA, C.; VERMEULEN, S.; BARIONI, L. G.; MAMO, T.; MELVILLE, P.; TADESSE, M. As countries around the world face urgent agricultural challenges, the concept of ?climate-smart? agriculture (CSA) has been put forward to achieve climate change adaptation, mitigation, and food secu... ... |
Autoria: MASSRUHÁ, S. M. F. S.; LEITE, M. A. de A.; LUCHIARI JUNIOR, A.; EVANGELISTA, S. R. M. Introduction. Evolution of agriculture: from Agro 1.0 to Agro 4.0. Digital agriculture: from Agro 4.0 to Agro 5.0. Initiatives for digital agriculture. Incorporating megatrends in agriculture: innovat... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, D. M. da S.; TAVARES. R. L. M.; LOSS, A.; MADARI, B. E.; CERRI, C. E. P.; ALVES, B. J. R.; PEREIRA, M. G.; CHERUBIN, M. R. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, mainly no-tillage (NT), cover cropping (CC), soil fertilization with organic amendments (OA), and crop-livestock (CL) and crop-livestock-forestry (CLF) syste... ... |
Autoria: BRAUNGER, M. L.; POPOLIN NETO, M.; KIRSANOV, D.; FIER, I.; AMARAL, L. R.; SHIMIZU, F. M.; CORREA, D. S.; PAULOVICH, F. V.; LEGIN, A.; OLIVEIRA JR., O. N.; RIUL JR, A. ABSTRACT: The need to increase food production to address the world population growth can only be fulfilled with precision agriculture strategies to increase crop yield with minimal expansion of the c... ... |
Autoria: INAMASU, R. Y.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; VAZ, C. M. P.; PIRES, J. L. F.; GEBLER, L.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; BASSOI, L. H. RESUMO Embora a agricultura de precisão (AP) tenha raízes em iniciativas de mais de duas décadas, seu marco oficial na Embrapa ocorreu com a publicação do primeiro volume “Agricultura de Precisão: um... ... |
Autoria: BOLFE, E. L.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; DEL'ARCO SANCHES, I.; LUCHIARI JUNIOR, A.; COSTA, C. C. da; VICTORIA, D. de C.; INAMASU, R. Y.; GREGO, C. R.; FERREIRA, V. R.; RAMIREZ, A. R. Abstract: The rapid population growth has driven the demand for more food, fiber, energy, and water, which is associated to an increase in the need to use natural resources in a more sustainable way.... ... |
Autoria: CAMPOS, N. G. S.; ROCHA, A. R.; GONDIM, R. S.; SILVA, T. L. C. da; GOMES, D. G.
Autoria: DIBBERN, T.; ROMANI, L. A. S.; MASSRUHA, S. M. F. S. By conducting a bibliometric assessment and analyzing case studies, the results show that the economic condition, availability of technological infrastructure, technical knowledge, age of farmers, typ... ... |
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