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Autoria: VILLAS BOAS, P. R.; FRANCO, M. A. M.; MARTIN NETO, L.; GOLLANY, H. T.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. In-field soil health assessments, including plant nutrients and toxic elements, are needed and could improve the sustainability of agriculture production. Among the available analytical techniques for... ... |
Autoria: BARBOSA NETO, M. V.; ARAÚJO, M. do S. B. de; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; SILVA, C. B. da; SAMPAIO, E. V. de S. B. Information on soil fertility is essential to determine the need for correcting measures. However, the use of appropriate techniques to provide information on the specific potential of each soil in ma... ... |
Autoria: BRAUNGER, M. L.; POPOLIN NETO, M.; KIRSANOV, D.; FIER, I.; AMARAL, L. R.; SHIMIZU, F. M.; CORREA, D. S.; PAULOVICH, F. V.; LEGIN, A.; OLIVEIRA JR., O. N.; RIUL JR, A. ABSTRACT: The need to increase food production to address the world population growth can only be fulfilled with precision agriculture strategies to increase crop yield with minimal expansion of the c... ... |
Autoria: VILLAS-BOAS, P. R.; FRANCO, M. A.; MARTIN NETO, L.; GOLLANY, H. T.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has become a prominent analytical technique in recent years for real-time characterization of soil properties. However, only a few studies of soil chemical... ... |
Autoria: CIPRIANI, H. N.; PELLEGRINETTI, T. A.; SALMAN, A. K. D.; SOUZA, E. C. de; CRUZ, P. G. da; TSAI, S. M.
Autoria: VENDRUSCULO, L. G.; OLIVEIRA, I. A. de; RODRIGUES, S. M. M.; ROCHA, W. R. da S. ABSTRACT. The objective of this work was to evaluate the variation of the average, minimum and maximum temperatures in two (2) type of surfaces: soil with crop residues and straw of Brachiaria and the... ... |
Autoria: FROUFE, L. C. M.; KALIL FILHO, A. N.; BOGNOLA, I. A.; AGUIAR, A. V. de; OLIVEIRA, E. B. de; FOWLER, J. A. P. Abstract. Precision silviculture is being developed to manage and improve Calophyllum brasiliense, a tree species associated with wet and swampy soils. This study estimated genetic parameters for grow... ... |
Autoria: BELTRAME, K. K.; SOUZA, A. M. de; COELHO, M. R.; WINKLER, T. C. B.; SOUZA, W. E.; VALDERRAMA, P. Dichromate oxidation and dry combustion analysis were evaluated as reference methods to determine organic carbon in Brazilian soils using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as an alternative. The main... ... |
Autoria: DANTZGER, D. D.; JONSSON, C. M.; AOYAMA, H. The use of agricultural products has been the main way to combat parasites in aquaculture, and diflubenzuron is the most used compound. This can be toxic to non-target species and, when degraded, gene... ... |
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