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Autoria: VASQUES, G. de M.; GRUNWALD, S.; MYERS, D. B. Understanding the causes of spatial variation of soil carbon (C) has important implications for regional and global C dynamics studies. Soil C predictive models can identify sources of C variation, bu... ... |
Autoria: STEHLICK, A.; BARIONI, A. E.; BOAS, P. R. V.; BARIONI, L. G. In this work we propose such a representation for the total carbon trajectory whose generality embraces implicitly the mechanism of models as Century, RothC and CQESTR. |
Autoria: MARÇAL, M. F. M.; SOUZA, Z. M. de; TAVARES, R. L. M.; FARHATE, C. V. V.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; GALINDO, F. S. Abstract: This study aims to assess the carbon stock in a pasture area and fragment of forest in natural regeneration, given the importance of agroforestry systems in mitigating gas emissions which co... ... |
Autoria: MENDONÇA-SANTOS, M. de L.; SANTOS, H. G. dos; COELHO, M. R. A soil database with 431 soil profiles of Rio de Janeiro State was used in the scope of a research project entitled "Quantifying the magnitude, spatial distribution and organic carbon in soils of Rio... ... |
Autoria: BIASE, A. G.; AZEVEDO, I. F. S.; CHAVES, S. S. de F.; MELO, M. N.; DIAS, C. T. dos S.; MARTORANO, L. G.; CAMARGO, P. B. de; SILVA, A. R.; REICHARDT, K. This study aimed to i) apply the basis of the nonlinear models theory with least squares method using sandwich estimators to a dataset formed by the C content along the soil profile in the Crop-Livest... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGO-COMINO, J.; LÓPEZ-VICENTE, M.; KUMAR, V.; RODRÍGUEZ-SEIJO, A.; VALKÓ, O.; ROJAS, C.; POURGHASEMI, H. R.; SALVATI, L.; BAKR, N.; VAUDOUR, E.; BREVIK, E. C.; RADZIEMSKA, M.; PULIDO, M.; DI PRIMA, S.; DONDINI, M.; DE VRIES, W.; SANTOS, E. S.; MENDONÇA-SANTOS, M. de L.; YU, Y.; PANAGOS, P. Transdisciplinary approaches that provide holistic views are essential to properly understand soil processes and the importance of soil to society and will be crucial in the future to integrate distin... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, V. C. DA; SANTANA, M. DA S.; PARENTE, A. G.; GONDIM, R. S.; SILVEIRA, C. DA S.; SALVIANO, A. M.; DEUS, T. R. V. DE; VALLADARES, G. S.; GIONGO, V. Intensive melon cultivation is based on conventional monoculture models that can inefficiently use natural resources, which, combined with inadequate management, contribute to climate change. The main... ... |
Autoria: GUEVARA, M.; OLMEDO, G. F.; STELL, E.; YIGINI, Y.; AGUILAR DUARTE, Y.; ARELLANO HERNÁNDEZ, C.; ARÉVALO, G. E.; ARROYO-CRUZ, C. E.; BOLIVAR, A.; BUNNING, S.; BUSTAMANTE CAÑAS, N.; CRUZ-GAISTARDO, C. O.; DAVILLA, F.; DELL ACQUA, M.; ENCINA, A.; FIGUEREDO TACONA, H.; FONTES, F.; HERNÁNDEZ HERRERA, J. A.; IBELLES NAVARRO, A. R.; LOAYZA, V.; MANUELES, A. M.; MENDOZA JARA, F.; OLIVERA, C.; OSORIO HERMOSILLA, R.; PEREIRA, G.; PIETRO, P.; RAMOS, I. A.; REY BRINA, J. C.; RIVERA, R.; RODRÍGUEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, J.; ROOPNARINE, R.; ROSALES IBARRA, A.; ROSALES RIVEIRO, K. A.; SCHULZ, G. A.; SPENCE, A.; VASQUES, G. de M.; VARGAS, R. R.; VARGAS, R. Country-specific soil organic carbon (SOC) estimates are the baseline for the Global SOC Map of the Global Soil Partnership (GSOCmap-GSP). This endeavor is key to explaining the uncertainty of global... ... |
Autoria: ZERI, M.; SÁ, L. D. A.; MANZI, A. O.; ARAUJO, A. C.; AGUIAR, R. G.; RANDOW, C. von; SAMPAIO, G.; CARDOSO, F. L.; NOBRE, C. A. The carbon and water cycles for a southwestern Amazonian forest site were investigated using the longest time series of fluxes of CO2 and water vapor ever reported for this site. The period from 2004... ... |
Autoria: GRUNWALD, S.; MYERS, D.; VASQUES, G. de M.; XIONG, X.; ROSS, C.; CHAIKAEW, P.; STOPPE, A.; KNOX, N.; COMERFORD, N.; HARRIS, W. Profound shifts have occurred over the last three centuries in which human actions have become the main driver to global environmental change. In this new epoch, the Anthropocene, human-driven changes... ... |
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