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Autoria: SANTOS, H. G. dos; JACOMINE, P. K. T; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; OLIVEIRA, V. A. de; LUMBRERAS, J. F.; COELHO, M. R.; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; OLIVEIRA, J. B. de; CUNHA, T. J. F. Diagnostic attributes and other attributes; Diagnostic surface horizons and diagnostic subsurface horizons; Categorical levels of the system, nomenclature of classes, bases and criteria, concept and d... ... |
Autoria: VAZ, G. J.; SILVA NETO, L. de F. da; BARBEDO, J. G. A. We have developed an expert system for Brazilian soil classification according to the official taxonomic system in Brazil. It assists in improving soil data quality, which is important for sustainable... ... |
Autoria: VAZ, G. J.; SILVA NETO, L. de F. da; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; BOTELHO, F. P.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de The Brazilian Soil Classification System (BSCS) is the official taxonomic system for soil classification in Brazil. With the collaboration of professionals from several research and teaching instituti... ... |
Autoria: VASQUES, G. de M.; DEMATTE, J. A. M.; LOPEZ, L. R.; TERRA, F. da S. Abstract : Visible/near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) offers an alternative to conventional analytical methods to estimate various soil attributes. However, the use of VNIRS in soi... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, H. G. dos; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; LUMBRERAS, J. F.; OLIVEIRA, V. A. de; JACOMINE, P. K. T.; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; COELHO, M. R.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; POLIDORO, J. C. The first edition of SiBCS was published in 1999, with an Executive Committee that has the goal of validating, and evaluating proposal of new classes. Regional groups contribute to development of the... ... |
Autoria: VILLAS BOAS, P. R.; FRANCO, M. A. M.; MARTIN NETO, L.; GOLLANY, H. T.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. In-field soil health assessments, including plant nutrients and toxic elements, are needed and could improve the sustainability of agriculture production. Among the available analytical techniques for... ... |
Autoria: VALADARES, A. P.; COELHO, R. M.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M. ABSTRACT:Data Mining techniques play an important role in the prediction of soil spatial distribution in systematic soil surveying, though existing methodologies still lack standardization and a full... ... |
Autoria: FARHATE, C. V. V.; SOUZA, Z. M. de; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; CARVALHO, J. L. N.; LA SCALA JÚNIOR, N.; SANTOS, A. P. G. ABSTRACT: The use of data mining is a promising alternative to predict soil respiration from correlated variables. Our objective was to build a model using variable selection and decision tree inducti... ... |
Autoria: VAZ, G. J.; SILVA JÚNIOR, A. F.; SILVA NETO, L. de F. da We used an expert system for soil classification to curate soil data and improve its quality. The system is the first to accurately classify soil profiles to the fourth level of the current version of... ... |
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