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Autoria: MARTORANO, L. G.; GARCIA, A. R.; SILVA, L. K. X.; AMARAL JÚNIOR, J. M. DO; BARROS, D. V.; RUFINO, J. P. F.; ROCHA, S. L. C. S.; FERNANDES, P. C. C.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A. In Brazilian agriculture, the adoption of technologies capable of expanding the evaluation of variable-responses is being expanded, to consider processes in the soil plant animalatmospheric system. Us... ... |
Autoria: GUERRINI, I. A.; SAMPAIO, T. F.; BOGIANI, J. C.; BACKES, C.; HARRISON, R. B.; OLIVEIRA, F. C.; GAVA, J. L.; TRABALLI, R. C.; MOTA, R. G. DE M.; RODER, L. R.; GRILLI, E.; GANGA, A.; JAMES, J. N.; CAPRA, G. F. ABSTRACT: Commercial forestry activities featuring heavy machinery and intensive traffic represent one of the most common degradation processes in infertile Tropical soils. This research aimed to eval... ... |
Autoria: BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; POLIDORO, J. C.; MONTE, M. B. de M.; PEREIRA, E. I.; OLIVEIRA, C. R. de; RAMESH, K. Tropical soils require liming and a balanced nutrient supply to ensure high crop yield and quality. An adequate agronomic nutrient management involves balanced nutrition and fertilizers are the key fa... ... |
Autoria: GALDINO, S.; SANO, E. E.; ANDRADE, R. G.; GREGO, C. R.; NOGUEIRA, S. F.; BRAGANTINI, C.; FLOSI, A. H. G. Pasture degradation is one of the major environmental and economic problems of Brazilian livestock production. Based on the estimates of soil loss in 140,297 km2 pasturelands of Goiás State and the Fe... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA, P. R. R.; MAIA, S. da S.; MELO, V. F.; UCHÔA, S. C. P.; BATISTA, K. D.; CAVALCANTE, L. A.
Autoria: CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; MARQUES, R. R.; CARMEIS FILHO, A. C. A.; SORATTO, R. P.; COSTA, C. H. M.; FERRARI NETO, J.; CASTRO, G. S. A.; PARIZ, C. M.; CASTILHOS, A. M.; FRANZLUEBBERS, A. J. In tropical integrated crop-livestock under no-till (NT) systems, the surface application/reapplication of lime and/or gypsum can reduce re-acidification rate of the soil and improve plant nutrition,... ... |
Autoria: MELLO, A. C. T. de; MONTEI, R. A. C.; SHIRATSUCHI, L. S.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; LOPES, L. B.; XAVIER, D. B. Trees in the production systems can effectively reduce hot weather-induced stress in the Brazilian Midwest. High temperatures cause changes in animals daily routine, and trees into pastures can promot... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, A. C. B. de; RIBEIRO, C. B. de M.; ROCHA, W. S. D. da; MARTINS, C. E.; SOUZA SOBRINHO, F. de O manejo e a cobertura influenciam na erosão do solo. Os objetivos desse experimento foram determinar as perdas de solo e água e os fatores da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS) em condições de... ... |
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