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Autoria: MUNIZ, A. W.; SACCOL, E. L.; PRIMIERI, S.; TONATO, F.; CORDEIRO, E. R. The objective of this study was to evaluate seasonally the biological quality of the soil under different land uses at Santa Catarina state, south of Brazil. |
Autoria: SAMUEL-ROSA, A.; DALMOLIN, R. S. D.; MOURA-BRUNO, J. M.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; FILIPPINI ALBA, J. M. Spatial soil data applications require sound geospatial data including coordinates and a coordinate reference system. However, when it comes to legacy soil data we frequently find them to be missing o... ... |
Autoria: TURETTA, A. P. D.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; REBELLO, C. M. Soil organic matter (SOM), although a minor component in most soils, is primarily responsible for structure, function and sustainability of the ecosystems. Regarding the effects of soil degradation, t... ... |
Autoria: FREITAS, R. C. A.; POPIN, G. V.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.; SIGNOR, D.; DRUMOND, M. A.; CERRI, C. E. P. The substitution of native vegetation by agricultural ecosystems can change the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM), and the intensity of these changes depends on the soil type, climate,... ... |
Autoria: VALLE, T. R. de S.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; BALIEIRO, F. de C.; FONTANA, A.; SANTOS, M. L.; DONAGEMMA, G. K. Soil structure is related to many soil ecosystem services and has been used as manageable property in evaluating soil quality in agricultural areas. From this perspective, Quick Diagnosis of Soil Stru... ... |
Autoria: BICALHO, A. M. de S. M.; PEIXOTO, R. T. dos G. This article focuses on how farmers identify and evaluate the quality of soils cultivated and how their indicators compare to those used by agricultural scientists. The aim is to bridge the gap betwee... ... |
Autoria: HABTE, E.; TESHOME, A.; MUKTAR, M. S.; ASSEFA, Y.; NEGAWO, A. T.; MACHADO, J. C.; LEDO, F. J. da S.; JONES, C. S. In the semi-arid and arid environments of Sub-Sharan Africa, forage availability throughout the year is insufficient and highly limited during the dry seasons due to limited precipitation. Thus, the i... ... |
Autoria: NGOLO, A. O.; OLIVEIRA, M. F. de; ASSIS, I. R.; ROCHA, G. C.; FERNANDES, R. B. A. Long-term studies aiming soil quality evaluation under different soil management strategies are no common. Long-term evaluations provided more reliable contributions to decision-making and practices a... ... |
Autoria: SILVA FIALHO, J.; AGUIAR, M. I. de; MAIA, L. dos S.; MAGALHÃES, R. B.; ARAÚJO, F. da C. S. de; CAMPANHA, M. M.; OLIVEIRA, T. S. de Agroforestry represents an alternative to traditional agricultural systems in semiarid regions, since it effectively provides soil coverage and improves the amount and quality of soil organic matter.... ... |
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