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Autoria: RODRIGO-COMINO, J.; LÓPEZ-VICENTE, M.; KUMAR, V.; RODRÍGUEZ-SEIJO, A.; VALKÓ, O.; ROJAS, C.; POURGHASEMI, H. R.; SALVATI, L.; BAKR, N.; VAUDOUR, E.; BREVIK, E. C.; RADZIEMSKA, M.; PULIDO, M.; DI PRIMA, S.; DONDINI, M.; DE VRIES, W.; SANTOS, E. S.; MENDONÇA-SANTOS, M. de L.; YU, Y.; PANAGOS, P. Transdisciplinary approaches that provide holistic views are essential to properly understand soil processes and the importance of soil to society and will be crucial in the future to integrate distin... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, S. R.; GREGO, C. R.; TOPP, G. C.; REYNOLDS, W. D. The water, element essential for life, is present as a large reservoir in the soil. Soil water content varies in space as a consequence of the variability of other related properties and its study is... ... |
Autoria: TOSTO, S. G.; PEREIRA, L. C.; ROMEIRO, A. R.; MANGABEIRA, J. A. de C.
Autoria: TOSTO, S. G.; PEREIRA, L. C.; ROMEIRO, A. R.; MANGABEIRA, J. A. de C.
Autoria: DEMATTÊ, J. A. M.; SILVEIRA, A. F. D. da; DOTTO, A. C.; SATO, M. V.; DALMOLIN, R. S. D.; ARAÚJO, M. do S. B. de; SILVA, E. B. da; NANNI, M. R.; NORONHA, N. C.; LACERDA, M. P. C.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; RIZZO, R. The Brazilian Soil Spectral Library (BSSL) started with a collection of soil samples in 1995 at the Department of Soil Science (ESALQ-USP). Currently, BSSL has gathered data from 26 States of Brazil,... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, H. G. dos; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; LUMBRERAS, J. F.; OLIVEIRA, V. A. de; JACOMINE, P. K. T.; ALMEIDA, J. A. de; COELHO, M. R.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de; POLIDORO, J. C. The first edition of SiBCS was published in 1999, with an Executive Committee that has the goal of validating, and evaluating proposal of new classes. Regional groups contribute to development of the... ... |
Autoria: PEDOMETRICS BRAZIL, 2., 2021, Rio de Janeiro. Pedometrics: innovation in tropics; Legacy data: how turn it useful?; Advances in soil sensing; Pedometric guidelines to systematic soil surveys. |
Autoria: VILLAS BOAS, P. R.; FRANCO, M. A. M.; MARTIN NETO, L.; GOLLANY, H. T.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. In-field soil health assessments, including plant nutrients and toxic elements, are needed and could improve the sustainability of agriculture production. Among the available analytical techniques for... ... |
Autoria: CORREIA, J. R.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; NEVES, D. P.; LIMA, A. C. S.; TOLEDO, L. de O.; CALDERANO FILHO, B. ABSTRACT: Despite of all modem communications tools, difficulties of dialogue still exist between technicians and local community members when dealing with natural resources. This is related to many f... ... |
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