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Autoria: SCORZA JUNIOR, R. P.; JARVIS, N. J.; BOESTEN, J. J.; ZEE, S. E. van der; ROULIER, S.
Autoria: LI, L.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; BOYD, C. E. Abstract: The autors believe that dryout periods likely destroy most organisms in pond bettons, and liming of the entire botton area shoud be done only to neutralize soil acidity and increase pH for o... ... |
Autoria: BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; PRIMAVESI, O. M. A. S. P. R. In Brazil the predominant beef and dairy cattle production systems are based mostly on grazing and rely on native and cultivated pastures, which are grazed by continuous stocking all year round and ar... ... |
Autoria: WADT, P. G. S.; DELARMELINDA, E. A.; PEREZ, D. V.; BURITY, K. T. L. While many software platforms aim to refine fertilization strategies, a significant number focus solely on soil fertility and nutrient outflow, inadvertently overlooking vital elements like water avai... ... |
Autoria: SCORIZA, R. N.; CORREIA, M. E. F. A disused electrical substation was the site of the spill of 40,000 L of Ascarel oil. However, none of the expected principal contaminants were chemically detected above established guidelines. Since... ... |
Autoria: MATHIEU, J.; ANTUNES, A. C.; BAROT, S.; ASATO, A. E. B.; BARTZ, M. L. C.; BROWN, G. G.; CALDERON-SANOU, I.; DECAËNS, T.; FONTE, S. J.; GANAULT, P.; GAUZENS, B.; GONGALSKY, K. B.; GUERRA, C. A.; HENGL, T.; LAVELLE, P.; MARICHAL, R.; MEHRING, H.; PEÑA-VENEGAS, C. P.; CASTRO, D.; POTAPOV, A.; THÉBAULT, E.; THUILLER, W.; WITJES, M.; ZHANG, C.; EISENHAUER, N. Abstract: Understanding global biodiversity change, its drivers, and the ecosystem consequences requires a better appreciation of both the factors that shape soil macrofauna communities and the ecosys... ... |
Autoria: CARNIEL, L. S. C.; NIEMEYER, J. C.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, L. C. I. de; ALEXANDRE, D.; GEBLER, L.; KLAUBERG-FILHO, O. The biobed is a purification system, which reduces soil pollution for receiving pesticide residues from handling and washing machinery in agricultural areas. The aims of this study were (1) to assess... ... |
Autoria: KOTLAR, A. M.; LIER, Q. de J. van; BARROS, A. H. C.; IVERSEN, B. V.; VEREECKEN, H. There has been much effort to improve the performance of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) using intelligent algorithms, but the issue of covariate shift, i.e., different probability distributions in trai... ... |
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