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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, F. A. de; CASTRO, C. de; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, A. de; KLEPKER, D.; FIRMANO, R. F. Soil fertility management technologies and nutritional status assessment of soybeans....................................................................................................................... ... |
Autoria: CUNHA, J. P. A. R. da; BARIZON, R. R. M.; FERRACINI, V. L.; ASSALIN, M. R.; ANTUNIASSI, U. R. Abstract: Pesticide drift is an issue in modern farming, mainly for crops under constant spraying as soybeans. This study aimed at assessing drift and pest control for aerial applications in soybean c... ... |
Autoria: FONTES, M. G.; SILVA, G. F. A. da; LIMA, M. F.; FONSECA, M. E. N.; COSTA, A. F.; SILVA-FILHO, J. G.; BOITEUX, L. S.
Autoria: SOARES, A. P. G.; GUILLIN, E. A.; BORGES, L. L.; SILVA, A. C. T. da; ALMEIDA, A. M. R. de; GRIJALBA, P. E.; GOTTLIEB, A. M.; BLUHM, B. H.; OLIVEIRA, L. O. de Diseases of soybean caused by Cercospora spp. are endemic throughout the world's soybean production regions. Species diversity in the genus Cercospora has been underestimated due to overdependence on... ... |
Autoria: CARMO, E. L. do; SILVA, A. G.; BRAZ, G. B. P.; PROCOPIO, S. de O.; SIMON, G. A.; ROCHA, A. G. C.; BARCELLOS, L. C. Abstract: Soybeans sowing in different plants? spatial distribution can influence the phytosanitary management of this crop and, consequently, impact on grains yield. This study was carried out to eva... ... |
Autoria: ZOBIOLE, L. H. S.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, R. S. de O.; CONSTANTIN, J.; HUBER, D. M.; CASTRO, C. de; OLIVEIRA, F. A. de; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, A. de Although GR soybean technology is spread all over the countries involved in soybean production, there is no particular fertilizing recommendation under glyphosate use and not much has been reported in... ... |
Autoria: VIANNA, G. R.; CUNHA, N. B.; MURAD, A. M.; RECH FILHO, E. L.
Autoria: CARVALHO, J. de F. C.; CRUSIOL, L. G. T.; PERINI, L. J.; SIBALDELLI, R. N. R.; FERREIRA. L. C.; MARCELINO-GUIMARÃES, F. C.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; NEUMAIER, N.; FARIAS, J. R. B. ABSTRACT: Water deficit is the major abiotic factor that limits crop productivity. Climate changes are likely to exacerbate drought stresses in the future. In the present work, we investigated the fea... ... |
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